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    « Terrier Tuesday -- It's All About The Dog | Main | Red Scarf Project in the News »

    Wednesday, February 02, 2011


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    Seanna Lea

    Your sweater is looking awesome (and I have to say that I'm hoping for my own snow day, even though I probably shouldn't be). Given the knitting you've been working on, does that mean that the Cleanse has also been a help to your joints? Don't want anybody courting carpel tunnel.


    Oooooo pretty colors!
    I wish I could have a snow day. My work wouldn't shut down for the Apocalypse...


    Happy snow day! The sweater looks perfect and the yarn.... love the colors. Such a sad story about the goats!


    David is going to love his sweater.


    I love me some Peace Fleece! I knit Flyingdales in Cascade 220 last year and all it does is PILL. PF never pills!!


    YAY You knit and you knit a bigass sweater! Love Peace Fleece and need to try to sport weight soon.


    The sweater looks wonderful, and the colors are so enticing!


    great cozy sweater! & the other colors you chose are lovely, esp the Grass Roots


    Beautiful sweater and what great yarn! Thanks for the tip about the Peace Fleece.


    Beautiful sweater!

    About the Peace Fleece, I really like how they explain in their email the reason for the price increase. Very customer friendly. How is Peace Fleece for softness? I've never used it, but was thinking about buying some for knitting diaper covers for friends.


    Wow it looks gorgeous! I'm always tempted by peace fleece but have never bought. That Mourning Dove looks lovely though.


    LOVE David's sweater!!!
    Thanks for the heads up, mighta just spent some time there, ahem... I did. because I love Peace Fleece. Your Grassroots looks greener than mine :^) manOman, I really like the Mourning Dove colour, and of course I'm a sucker for the Kamchatka Seamoss.. and oooh, the Kalinka Malinka is floating my boat too. I have a sweater's worth of Anna's Grasshopper I really should tend to that.. and Lauren's Coral.. mmmmm.
    Happy Snow Day Darlin'!
    ok. I'm blathering now.


    I wasn't blathering about wishing you a happy snow day... you know what I was blathering about. sigh.


    David's sweater looks fabulous! I was about to head on over to PF "just to look", but opened my yarn database file and discovered I have enough PF already for three sweaters.

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