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    « This Is Going To Take An Extra Helping of Fortitude | Main | Travelin' Travelin' »

    Tuesday, January 04, 2011


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    Monsieur Jefferies.... je forgot mon Francais.....c'est 40 annes et je oubiez..... mais je esperez that you have a great time. I love you! Je l'aime beaucoup. Merci et je suis sorry for all the mistakes! je't', Barbara M.

    Sorry, it's been since 1968 French class. Love,

    Barbara M.


    No French here.....but....estoy muy feliz eres estas bien y disfrutan la ciudad nueva york! :)


    Mais bien sûr que tu es plus important que l'ordinateur, adorable petit chien! Nous regretterons mises á jour régulières d'Alpha, naturellement, mais il est bon pour l'âme de temps en temps que nous devrions souffir, n'est-ce pas?

    (Thank you, Google translate!)


    How humiliating to be considered baggage...


    Poor Mr. J reduced to a carry-on. You deserve better than this. Sorry all my French left a long time ago!


    Bonjour Monsieur Jeffries. Je parle francais, un petit peu, but I'll have to switch to English now. Je ne peux pas penser sur mes peids. Anyway, enjoy New York(ie) and tell Alpha I have the same suitcase - it's awesome. Ma petit pouvre chien was a carry-on from New Hampshire to Illinois, and was so good, as good as I bet you'll be.

    Enjoy Monsieur Jeffries, and we'll see you when you return!


    Sr. J,
    Pienso que un viajadór como usted debe aprender más que uno or dos idiomas. ¡claro! Pueda ser que un dia viajará a Mexíco, por ejemplo, y aprenderá usted español.


    Stupid airline -- don't they know Alpha can have one carry-on and one personal item? Which do you want to be, carry-on or personal item? Yeah, I thought so. You are SOOOO person-able :)


    Cher monsieur Jefferies,
    Tu apprends vite! Ton français est très bon. Et ton accent? Tout à fait charmant! :)


    Poor baby. :^( (You will have fun on the way and while you're there, buck up boyo!)
    Rum Fudge?!?!? I SAW that! xoxox


    J'adore Monsieur Jefferies. Quel chien!


    This pretty much describes MY priorities when I travel, but my first thought was, "Where is she gonna put her knitting?"

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