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    « Charmed | Main | Alpha is Suffering From a Whomper of a Headache, and so You Get A Bonus Photo of Super-Cute ME!!!! »

    Sunday, January 09, 2011


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    What? No yarn shops?

    Cathy Goldman

    Yup we do have great food...and it never ceases to entice


    It all sounds so delicious! Must make eating back in Vermont seem to mundane.


    hope you realized, my dear Norma, that -- when you're in the Big Apple, at least in my part of it, everyone WALKS everywhere, so - the calories get "disappeared" almost immediately after their ingestion!

    come back soon and often, please???


    I love that you love NY because I do too.

    caryn speizer

    I'm completely jealous that you met up with Mirabai. Having lunch with both of you (at the same time!) is on my bucket list.


    Shortly after befriending someone on FB recently, they asked me if I was obsessed with food -- because, apparently, I post about food on FB a lot!! Heehee.



    Tiny nitpick -- it's beignet, not biegnet. Obsessing on that kept me from drooling in my keyboard. :)


    Yes, I know that it's 1:00 pm. Yes, I know that I just finished breakfast. Yes, I (now) know that what I ate was a total waste of calories -- compared to what I could have had, if only I were in NYC!


    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. on all counts.


    Oh my. Oh dear. I do love these posts - but they serve to remind me of the only thing I DON'T like about living smack in the middle of middle. We have few ethnic restaurants in the area and NO authentic, un-Americanized ones - so I envy you a great deal.


    Great. Now I'm starving. :p

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