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    « "14 Degrees Fahrenheit -- YOU SIT, Alpha!" | Main | Laughed So Hard I Scared Mr. Jefferies »

    Thursday, December 16, 2010


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    It's wonderful to run across the pieces of life that make us smile. You're like me as you'll never get around to making a scapbook, with the memories. I have a shelf with manila envelopes and boxes each with special memories. Your time at the BBC seems so interesting and fun! It's great to hear about your time there.


    Boot #7 eh? I wonder what Mr. J thinks about that? Sick morning humor.


    Have to figure out how to get my Audible books on the Kindle, but that book looks great and I'll be happily using one of my credits on it! Thanks for the tip. I love coming across memory stuff like that, especially since I'm not a big saver either.


    Norma, you look exactly the same now as you did then! How do you DO that?


    Love the photo collage.
    I've never been sorry that I didn't throw something out - I've often mourned the things that I did toss. It makes my life cluttery, but I'm much happier.


    Acton! I used to date a guy who lived in Acton. Gee, haven't been reminded of THAT in a good, long while!


    kmkat I want to know that too... how come you don't look any older? So unfair... ok own up where you hiding the painting?


    What a delightful story! I am so glad you got to live through a more adult 'best' time. I have always believed we were still too much works-in-progress to say that either high school or college right after were the 'best times' of our lives. What would that have to say about the rest of it?


    O.M.G.! Creffield Road ! I went to Haberdashers' Aske's school, now the Japanese school. The number of times I walked up and down that road...


    Emma!! The Japanese school was directly across the street (and I do
    mean directly!) from my flat. My building was a new one (with central
    heating, even!) that they told me resulted from the lot having been
    bombed in WW2.


    It's a lovely street. I always liked Ealing Common, with it's air of faded gentry ! Habs moved to a new school at Elstree, next to the boys school. That increased the school journey somewhat !
    I'm one of their low achievers !!!

    p.s. I was in the sixth form, of a different school, with Nigella Lawson. But that's another story...


    It is now officially your fault that I am interested in a Kindle. I didn't know they could do audio books, though that seems natural enough. I can't find anything on either site though that explains it. How did you figure that out?

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