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    « December 1st | Main | Well Now. »

    Thursday, December 02, 2010


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    Oh, you make me laugh! Have fun at the beach. Bet you totally ROCK that suit!


    Fabulous tankini top! The Spanx looks a little like a girdle in comparison. I wanted to like their products, but alas I find it is mostly hype, and expensive hype. I am sure you are being self-critical, and that you will look MAHVELOUS on the beach. Embrace your beauty, baby!


    I thought that WAS you! :-) Can't wait to hear about your tropical adventure.


    It's amazing what the right suit can do (in the swinging of hair, tanned and fit department). Have a great time.

    Elizabeth D

    Hey, Norma - I had a deeply dissatisfying experience with computer repair about a year ago. When I got the perky little customer satisfaction survey in my email shortly thereafter, I let them have it. I got an instant reply, apologizing, promising retraining of the guys who work in customer service, apologizing again. . . never been so shocked in my life!!

    But I'll still make my husband take the computer in next time.

    Seanna Lea

    I want to love the pretty bathing suits, but that is just it. I don't sun at the beach. I body surf, and that requires much more structure in the suit department. So, I buy Speedo when I can, because swimming suits for swimmers wear like iron (provided we're not talking the speed suits for races).

    Cheryl S.

    Wow... if that suit will make me look like THAT, sign me up for 10 of 'em!


    That is a hot little number, and I bet you ROCK IT.


    I'm glad you found a couple of suits you are happy with. I'm sure the different color top and bottom will look terrific. And I totally think you are hotter than the Victoria's Secret model!


    Whenever I think of you, you look exactly like that. I myself rock the maximum-coverage-skirted-faille look from LL Bean.


    How could eggplant not be beautiful? It is the most beautiful color in the entire universe.
    Next to plum, of course...

    elizabeth a airhart

    whever you are going could you
    just kinda of go the blog gets
    testy as you know when you do
    not move as soon as we think
    you should and report in several
    times day and night-lovely costume

    Susan (sjanova)

    That's a nice top and I agree you need a different bottom. I like having the two pieces and if the top is long enough, maybe I don't care much about the bottom configuration (so long as it's covering at least enough). I'll have to look at their website.

    In other news, I didn't re-home the Rowan but I did find one of yours I really liked and bid enough to get it. Yay for me and do know that it will be a happy skein here.

    christian louboutin

    I agree with you . In it something is. Now all became clear, I thank for the help and I hope to see more such articles.

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