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    « Happy Sunday -- With a Giveaway | Main | Terrier Tuesday -- The "She Ought To Be Ashamed" Edition »

    Monday, November 22, 2010


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    My cranky 17 year old cat tries to wake me sometime between 4 a.m. and 6 a.m. every morning. This has been going on in we switch to DST. What the..... Leaving is in my queue, but down there on the list as least for now.


    Your broccoli may still be hanging in there - it takes a lot to kill a broccoli...
    Anne is amazing, isn't she? I love that sweater, too.

    Karen J.

    Norma, this has nothing to do with today's blog post, but I wanted to let you know that I was looking up how to line a knit hat with fleece and stumbled upon your 2006 post in my google search. Since I'm a long-time reader, I decided to go with your tutorial...and it worked wonderfully! Thanks !


    Your weather sounds much like ours. I wanted to steal a little broccoli and Brussels sprouts from our neighbors garden, but refrained. I'm not sure the 8" of snow did it any good.
    Anne and Kim work so well together. I can't wait to finish my latest K & A concoction. Leaving is wonderful, too.
    It's a crazy time of year, which will go from nothing to do to warp speed. Enjoy your down time. xoxo


    WTF?! This just popped up for me. TypePad is still sucking at getting feeds to see us. Bastards!


    You knit?



    Cookie is cruising, methinks!
    I have long said that we should all get November and December off (with pay, of course) because we're just too damn busy to have a job, what with preparing for the holidays. Sheesh. No one listens to me.


    It's 2pm, I bet you're napping by now.


    awwww, thank you norma!
    i am so behind on reading your blog too and just when i finally got to it, there you are talking me up—i blush!


    Ooh, I didn't know you collected scarves, could I send you mine, please please?

    Just kidding. Try not to smack me. I'm on scarf #3.


    P.S. Actual serious question: any chance the deadline will be extended again this year?


    I've been having Red Scarf fail this year, but I'm not ready to give up yet.

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