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    « A Visit Home | Main | A Locavore Meal and An Excellent & Entertaining Video: Dan Barber, Chef and Scholar »

    Tuesday, June 15, 2010


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    I can't believe I'm the first commentor this morning. Well, it is v. early...
    Mr. J you have so many talents, picking a winner must be beyond easy for you. Bummer about the missing treat. I hope A Alpha made it up to you later.


    Keep working on your lyrics Mr. J you're off to a good start!


    Love the organic all-natural random number generator!


    Mr. J., you crack me up! Congrats Tish!


    What a clever fellow! Congratulations to Tish. Now, out to the garden. Me, that is. You can do what you like.


    I think the lyrics to your song are lovely, just lovely !


    Job well done, Mr.J! and congrats to Tish!


    congrats to Tish - lucky gurl that you are. Norma, can we talk? I have woodchuck problems.


    I hope you got a treat for doing what A. Alpha wanted!


    Congratulations, Tish!

    Well done, Mr. J.

    Seanna Lea

    That is super cute! You are the best winner picker, Mr. Jeffries!


    Mr. Jeffries, you are the coolest, even if you didn't pick my name. I think your song is very clever:)

    elizabeth a airhart

    lil ole pudding pie here my alpha says
    she is happy for tish and i am a poor loser

    happy woofs to you mr jeffries alpha wants
    to clean up the monitor every tues she says


    I love your song Mr J. My friend Lisa calls me Tish the Dish so I will share the song with her (and perhaps the book too, because she is diabetic and interested in good nutrition). As a competitive swimmer throughout my childhood and teens, my other nickname was Tish the Fish so I like how you incorporated both of my nicknames into your little ditty. (Please note for any future song writing that although I have been there, I am not from Nantucket. Thank you.) From the comments it appears that the book should perhaps have made the rounds a la the MDK ladies' Singing Revolution DVD, but for now I am selfish and will enjoy it myself and share with my daughters and friends. Thanks again Norma and Mr Jeffries.

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