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    « Terrier Tuesday - Squirrel Patrol Edition | Main | Cuter Than Kittens »

    Wednesday, April 07, 2010


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    I hope you got your good night's sleep last night!

    Susan B

    I use the searchable gmail trick ALL the time! It's the easiest and most foolproof way to not lose information for me. Or files. Or photos. Or a link. Way quicker and easier than trying to remember another password for dropbox or delicious or something similar.

    I have the same problem as you do with squirrels eating whatever is planted! Last year they DUG UP all my seeds and seedlings. Little pawprints in the dirt around the empty holes. So sad. Let us know if you come up with a solution!


    I've done that email the passwords thing too. It works.


    I get through a night with the help of a little white pill. No nightmares involved. Maybe I shouldn't say that on the WWW. My blogging/knitting scale is around 2. I know what you mean.


    I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the fruit trees. This time of year, that thermometer runs like a roller coaster.


    I have some passwords and the fake phone numbers I use for grocery store cards stored on my phone. I almost always have my phone with me, so there is what I need, at my fingertips. (I do store the passwords in a way that I hope no one could figure out if they found my phone.)

    Elizabeth D

    I realized a couple of years ago that I could do the same thing with my gmail -- why do so many sites require passwords? (And what made me get clever and use so many different ones?) There's nothing really confidential about the fact that I order coffee, or yarn, on line, and I have to re-enter my CC info every time anyway. . .


    Oh, I do hope the nightmares stop. They are so energy draining.

    Ok, let's resume our dinners at an outdoor cafe and bring knitting just in case the urge to flick those needles gets to us.


    yep... i send my p/w document to myself monthly in gmail. I supposed i could just store it in google docs and use it from there but leaving it that exposed in the ether just makes me wriggle a bit.

    Mr. J has his own facebook? I'll have to take a peek :)

    blog? what's that? mine was never great but now it's as dormant as a daffodil bulb in January.


    Passwords-one of my (many?) pet-peeves. It seems like every place requires them AND every place has different rules: no more than 6 letters; between 8 and 16 letters; must have a combo of letters and numbers; must start with a capital letter and include numbers too; same as the last, but neither the letters nor the numbers can be sequential; ditto, but must be typed using alternate hands while standing on one foot and only works when it's between XX:16 and YY:42 o'clock, unless the sun is shining, then anything or nothing will work. AND it must be unique, which runs in dirrect conflick with the rule "great minds think alike". Grump, grump, grump.


    Sometimes it just takes the right project to get you knitting again, and sometimes you just don't want to knit. That can be really good, too, since it frees your mind for other things (or for some time doing nothing which can be very beneficial). :)

    Seanna Lea

    I'll admit that I don't have a problem remembering passwords as much as remembering which of the 10 or so passwords that I've commonly used over the last year or so (or more) is the one for x or y or z service. I do have a folder I shove password reminders in, but that mostly just reminds me that I forgot the password last time I accessed something too.


    I actually don't use the auto-save for any passwords. Our house was broken into while we were asleep upstairs back in November. The rotten stinking burglar (now incarcerated for admitting to 18 burglaries while on parole, and for being caught in the car he had stolen at the first burglary, duh, can you say dumb?!) took our laptop. Had my passwords been saved, I could have had some big problems. So, when we got our new laptop, we didn't save any passwords on this one either.


    I hope you slept better last night (or whenever it was).

    The password thingy was a nightmare when my PC died last fall. The only thing that saved me is that all my email accounts roll over to the same main one. Otherwise, I'd still be looking for info.

    Fingers crossed the fruit trees/bushes do okay with the ever changing weather conditions.



    Woke to snow, has mostly melted by now but more is expected. I always worry about the lilacs; the crabapples can freeze.


    Now Norma Knits Not?



    My passwords are in a password-protected spreadsheet (so I do have to remember that one!) and stored in, which automatically compares versions and updates as needed.


    1. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, leads on to blog in joy and sorrow...
    2. Butt ugly, buck naked. But yikes I hope the buds survive. March of 1998, I think it was, the weather did the same thing only more so -- two weeks of 80 degrees, everything bloomed and set fruit, and then we had cold rain by day (= no pollinators flying) and freezing temps by night. My orchard-dwelling uncle handed out no apples that year.
    3. I still can't think of a good potato pun. Or a cabbage one either.
    4. On my all-time-top-ten-t-shirt list: Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
    5. I bet it will swoop down on you when you least expect it.
    6. I do that too.


    Norma - you need KEEPASS. I know, I always think it's Keep Ass, but it's really Kee Pass, an online FREE password storage system that encrypts passwords. You can access it anywhere, you just need to remember your master password. I think there's even an IPhone app for it, though I don't know if you have that. Check it out!!!

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