Often when I write about something I've done/bought/tried, people will ask me to report back later as to how it has worked out for me. That will make for a pretty meaty post, methinks, and I'm quite ripe for it. So, in no particular order, here we go. I've recently learned that bloggers who review something now have to make a disclosure whether they have or have not received something in payment for their review. Rest assured, I have no interest, financial or otherwise, in these companies or products, and have not received any gifts or kickbacks from any of them. Damn it.
1. South Beach Diet. I lost 7 pounds in five days or so, at the beginning of the South Beach Diet. And then I didn't lose any more. I was pretty faithful to it for those first two weeks, but I am quite sure I cheated some. Then I shifted into Phase 2 (some more carbs are allowed in Phase 2), and within fairly short order started to cheat quite a lot. I had cake a few times, I had a large bakery cookie, I had a half a slice of pizza, I had bananas quite frequently with my yogurt, and dates and prunes, for example, and jam, and semi-sweet chocolate chips. This is not behavior of which I am proud.
But seriously, I'd say that a large majority of the time I've been faithful to the diet. I haven't been able to exercise as much as I'd like because of this bunged-up elbow situation, but I have kept the 7 pounds off, and a few friends have remarked that I look like I've lost weight. But I have plateaued and not lost any more. Then again, this past weekend I had an entire pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. I am not repentant.
Starting this past Sunday, I put myself back on Phase 1, and so far I am very much enjoying the food and the rigor of the regimen again. (I am lying through my teeth. I am craving carbs like nobody's business and I would perform unspeakable favors in order to have a whoopie pie right now.) The cravings are worse this time than I remember them the first time. I guess the moral of this story is fairly self-evident.
No, but really I do love it. Really. And now that my elbow is no longer buggered, I will be able to -- and this is perhaps even more important: have the desire to -- get more vigorous exercise, so that should help. Overall on South Beach: Thumbs up!
2. SodaStream. BEST PURCHASE EVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD! I could not be one iota more enthusiastic about this gadget. We are still, and we cannot believe it, using the first CO2 cannister that came with the set. It's like the never-ending cannister, I tell ya! I ordered three more from the company, and they have arrived, but we have not had to open the package yet. Unbelievable. We must have made.... we just don't know.... but wayyyy more than 100 liters of seltzer from this thing, so it has already paid for itself probably at least two times over. Delicious, fizzy seltzer that is so easy and convenient to make, and no lugging big bottles from the supermarket or having big empty bottles cluttering our recycling area, or to have to return. And I think it has made such an impressive decrease in our carbon footprint and clutter that I can hardly believe it. One of our two plastic bottles seems to have maybe got too close to a heating element on the stovetop, so it is somewhat, um, more curvy than it was when we got it. It's only a little, but I may have to relent and buy another couple of bottles. HUGE ENORMOUSLY ENTHUSIASTIC THUMBS UP.
3. Homemade Yogurt, specifically with cultures from Custom Probiotics. (Edited to add answers to questions: I use their Starter Culture No. 2 and follow their directions for heating and incubating, which are a little different than the ones mentioned in blog posts about it previously. i.e., stovetop to boiling point, and then incubating at a cooler temp for a longer period. I am sold on this method, as I think it is the key to that super-mild flavor I love. And I add 1/2 c. powdered milk to each quart of liquid milk before heating it up.)
Another heeYUUUUUUGE winner. Love the yogurt this makes. So mild, and while it's very thick on its own, when some of the whey is drained off (I use an unbleached coffee filter), it is simply divine Greek-style yogurt. Thick and mild and wonderful, and I can eat it without any sweetener. Sometimes I add some maple syrup or homemade jam, or to make it South-Beach-Diet friendly I sometimes add Splenda. The other night I made the South Beach Packed-Full-of-Veggies Chili and added a plop of this on the top and some sprinkles of shredded cheddar. Yummo!
I make it about once a week. The cost of the culture runs about $1 a week, and a gallon of local hormone-free milk is under $3. Given that it is so economical, I don't bother trying to stretch it beyond that, but I'm sure you could make more batches from your own already-made yogurt. I like the convenience of the fresh powdered culture each week, and I feel that I'm ensured a greater concentration of live cultures this way. (There are 50 batches in the bottle of culture, and it has a stated shelf life of one year in the freezer. So that works out perfectly to about the number of batches I'll make in a year -- matching its shelf-life, so I don't see any reason to cut any more corners on this.) It's photographed with ground flaxseed, maple syrup, and walnuts. Wonderful, I tell you!
4. Snack Taxi. I haven't given this much of a workout, really. Because I don't take sandwiches to eat at work or such, and the foods that I do take with me are salads or wet or gooey foods, the only thing I have used this for is to carry nuts and trail mix. It is perfect for that, and I think, from a carbon footprint standpoint I have already saved a couple dozen plastic sandwich bags from the landfill, but from an economic standpoint, it won't have paid for itself for quite a while to come. If I were more conscientious, I would probably reuse my plastic sandwich baggies, but I don't tend to do that much. They look grungy and unappealing to me after use packed with nuts or whatever. So this has been wonderful for that. If I were a sandwich-taker, I think it would work well enough, except the mustard or mayo or peanut butter or jam would probably be a bit messy and it might absorb the odors of those things. It'd be great for a kid who eats those Goldfish crackers and pretzels and whatnot.
Because I have only carried nuts in it, I have only washed it once, and that was only because Mr. Jefferies decided that those smoked almonds smelled tasty and when I wasn't paying attention to him, he liberated it from my briefcase and had a field day trying to get it open. It washed well enough, but I'm not 100% sure I'd be on top of things enough to wash it after each sandwich. It doesn't dry relatively instantly like a travel mug does, or my wonderful (see below) bamboo eating utensils. If I were a sandwich carrier or had a bunch of kids who took sandwiches, several of these would be required so that you could use them, wash them, let them dry, and reuse them. And then there'd also be the issue of will the kid remember to bring them home (and they're pretty pricey). So for my limited use, a semi-enthusiastic thumbs up, but overall I'd say "Nice idea, but a little beyond my (considerably low) threshold for practicality/function/economical desire to lower my carbon footprint."
5. Bamboo Eating Utensils from To-GoWare. Another big winner. These work so well. They feel good in the mouth, and the knife is miles better than the plastic takeout knives you get. It wouldn't cut steak, mind you, but it does a great job with everything I've taken out for lunch so far. I'm not a fan of the spork, which in my opinion doesn't work well for either the function of a spoon or a fork. So this little very lightweight set has it all -- including chopsticks -- and it even stands up conveniently and comfortably in my very small purse. I have been able to decline taking plastic takeaway utensils several dozen times already. I love it. Thumbs UP!
Thanks for the reviews Norma! It's always good to hear an unbiased opinion.
Posted by: Kristin | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 12:45 AM
Great idea. Thanks for the wonderful reviews.
Posted by: Jennifer | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 06:06 AM
Hurrah! Our own Consumer Reports, Vermont Edition!
Thanks for your brave product testing!
Posted by: gayle | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 06:22 AM
And some To-Go Ware is already on its way to me! At 6:30 in the morning!
Posted by: Jane | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 06:37 AM
I was reading your last paragraph about the SB Diet ("No, but really I do love it. Really.") as the picture of the glass with a lime in it came into view. My first thought was that the diet had driven you to a Gin and Tonic. Of course, then I read on and found it was merely soda water (or was it?).
Posted by: Mary | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 06:52 AM
I wish I'd heard of to-go ware when I used to leave the house to work. It would have been perfect!
I'm still thinking about the seltzer thingie, how did the syrups work?
Good luck on the dieting!
Posted by: AnnaMarie | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 07:16 AM
Thank you, Norma! This was all excellent information. I love your straight-up reviews.
Posted by: Michele | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 07:38 AM
Thanks for the reviews! I tried South Beach and hated it as I was always, always hungry. Now I need to opposite of So. Beach.
My lunch sack is the Whole Foods back that Oprah bought for us when you were here. I use my Rubbermaid food containers to carry lunch everyday. We must save the planet one person at a time. ;-)
Posted by: margene | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 07:44 AM
Which yogurt starter formula did you use?
Posted by: Ellen | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 07:47 AM
When you said this was post was product reviews, I was hoping you would include a review of those special sneakers you bought last year. How are those working out?
Posted by: Donna | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 07:52 AM
Thanks for the reviews!
Would be nice if you got some kickbacks from them too, eh?
Posted by: Anne | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 07:53 AM
More questions to answer (please): Are you still making the yogurt in the crockpot? I tried this and was not happy with the runny texture I created - though I did use non fat milk. Are you using whole milk? We eat a ton of Greek yogurt (chobani) and I have run out of uses for the little plastic cups. I would love to find a way to make a replacement. Which starter are you using. Sorry for the pesky questions, but I again feel encouraged to give it another shot.
Posted by: jill | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 08:09 AM
I've been wondering how the soda machine worked out for you. I might give it a try; I love my fizzy water!
Posted by: Jean E. | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 08:12 AM
I tried South Beach years ago and lost about 1 pound. Isn't it more for people with extra weight around their mid sections? That's not me - I'm a pear. I just need to exercise more... and eat less (and better).
And we agree on the SodaStream! I bought one for work since we all like seltzer. I have one at home now, so does Barb, and Emily just ordered one. All because I read it here. They may end up paying you something someday, because any smart business these days has Google Alerts running. Maybe your free cannisters are on the way...
Posted by: Jill | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 08:44 AM
Fantastic! Love the follow up, Norma.
Posted by: Vicki | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 09:08 AM
Good to know on all items! I had to check out the snack taxi products, thinking surely one could make those, and sure, if you could find fabric lined with coated nylon, snort.
Posted by: marianne | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 09:31 AM
Thanks for the reviews. It's always good to learn what people think of all the stuff we can buy to save the planet. It's nice to hear ahead of time what really is a good idea.
Posted by: Joannah | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 09:33 AM
Thanks for the follow-up on these items. You're right, I often wonder how things work out with the things people buy. Too bad you got no compensation or consideration ;)
Posted by: Doris | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 10:46 AM
The SodaStream is intriguing as I tend to drink more water if it's "interesting" even though I don't like soda in general. The problem is counter space...
BTW, Ryan's hands were featured by one son's 4th grade teacher recently. The kids begged her to forward the pictures home to them, under "Never Wash Your Hands."
Glad your elbow is better. I've always heard a plateau is an opportunity to try new things.
Posted by: MelissaG | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 11:09 AM
I'm absolutely charmed by the bamboo to-go utensils! Must order some. (And. . . I could never do without carbs. I'll just have to keep working out, I guess.)
Posted by: Kym | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 11:14 AM
I have been really tempted to buy the yogurt culture, but I seem to go in waves of making and eating a lot of yogurt and not eating any for a week or two straight. I think for me it has to do with the quality of the batch I produced (my last batch felt really watery).
I want the bamboo utensils. Even if I just bring them to work and use them for my lunches it would be worth it!
Posted by: Seanna Lea | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 11:24 AM
Thank you for these reviews! Too bad you don't get anything for them other than satisfaction! I seriously doubt I could ever do the SB diet.....I love carbs way too much! Too hard to get some of the other things overseas....the seltzer machine sounds great, as does the yogurt..... :( Thanks again!
Posted by: Konna | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 11:38 AM
Well, now that was a fun post! I love the Soda Stream almost as much, though DH is the one who is really gaga over it. In fact, he loved it so much that we got his parents one, and they use it for scotch n soda every night! I do need to get back on the yogurt train and might take your advice and just order culture... waiting for my old batch to get to the right stage to make a new one has led to repeated failures. About dieting... yeah, it's easy to stop keeping track. Don't beat yourself up if you have managed to stay on a plateau; the ultimate goal really is to eat in a way that maintains a healthy weight. I am in the same boat... need to bump it up a bit, both in cutting down the calories and amping up the exercise, since I lost 5 pounds and then plateaued.
Posted by: Birdsong | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 12:03 PM
I second the thumbs-up on the To-GoWare. They are terrific for travelling, of which I do a fair bit.
I haven't tried home-made yogourt yet. It seems like an awful lot of work, though, and I'd be afraid of poisoning myself with a badly-made batch. But, with the amount of yogourt I consume, maybe I should give it a try.
Thanks for the follow-up reviews.
Posted by: Purl in the Rough | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 12:08 PM
And how is it going with the sprouts? Is the kit still working out for you?
I need to get a Sodastream, as my husband loves seltzer water. Thanks for the reviews!
Posted by: Stacey | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 01:10 PM
You ate a banana?!
I am shocked. :p
Posted by: Cookie | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 01:30 PM
Great follow-up. I should do more South Beach for the heart-healthy part of things. I just can't do without those carbs and I get awfully nervous when they say you can't eat fruit. What? It's fruit for pete's sake! I've loved the homemade yogurt but we just don't eat that much of it. Same for the seltzer but maybe it would be a good gift for my sister...
Posted by: Carol | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 01:35 PM
I tried the maple syrup on my yogurt this morning. It is awesome!!
Posted by: Jean E. | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 01:46 PM
Which Soda Stream did you get? I'm thinking of getting one here too. :)
Posted by: Kim | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 02:53 PM
Thanks for the reviews, Norma. I've been thinking about trying the sodastream since you mentioned awhile back. I'm also curious about those workout sneakers, do they really work the thighs and butt? As for diets, just the word itself makes me pillage the fridge, it's something psycological. Just the thought of restriction makes me go overboard. I have to keep telling myself to eat healthy, and not eat too late at night(major bloating issues next morning, yuck).
Posted by: Angie L. | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 03:27 PM
are you going to feel all better now
thank you for the review would your newspaper like to have you review products
or the tv news they might they just might
Posted by: elizabeth a airhart | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 07:14 PM
I ordered the To Go Ware when you talked about them in an earlier post. I take my lunch to work every day, and they are just great. Still need to try to make yogurt as we eat so much of it.
Posted by: Anita D | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 10:33 PM
See, I have issues with a diet that makes fruit the bad guy.
Posted by: Lynn | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 10:47 PM
We've had our soda stream machine since October and it works great! My only complaint is that we got the 60L size, and have to refill more frequently. Overall it is fantastic!
Posted by: Mariel | Thursday, March 11, 2010 at 09:03 AM
After reading about your bamboo utensils I picked up a set at Whole Foods. It is a different brand and the fork is less sporky. It didn't come with the nice holder but I feel better about all the plastic I am not using.
Posted by: Helen | Thursday, March 11, 2010 at 11:02 AM
Thanks for the reviews. I have a sandwich wrap and a bambook spork that I love. I just picked a tiffin from To-Go Ware and just got it. I ordered it from One Small Step (http://www.reusablelunchware.com/store/) along with an Ecolunchbox. I wanted to get some stainless steel containers to use instead of plastic. I can't wait to use them! I figured they would be good for the days I want more than a sandwich or use it for a "doggie bag".
Posted by: Tressa | Friday, March 12, 2010 at 10:06 PM
I do appreciate the follow-up as well. I haven't been blog reading lately, but happened to take a few moments to read yours today and saw this post. This couldn't come at a better time. My company is going green and got rid of their disposable cutlery. I should have been bringing my own, but now this forces me too, which is a good thing. I was going to just buy some at the store, but I like the bamboo cutlery. I may have to buy two. So thanks for the recommendation. I didn't even think of it, but now I will buy this product. Yay Norma!
Posted by: Wanda | Sunday, March 14, 2010 at 04:00 PM