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    Saturday, February 06, 2010


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    On my monitor, that green is flat-out gorgeous - I saw it and thought "Want!"
    Glad the tendinitis monster is taking a thumping. Especially since all that pretty yarn has come to live at your house...

    Mary K. in Rockport

    That IS an attractive scarf.


    I didn't get a good look at that yarn when you purchased it. It's gorgeous. I love that scarf and plan on knitting that pattern also.


    Gorgeous scarf pattern. Agreed that it would be a great Red Scarf.


    Didn't you buy buttons to match that yarn last time you were in SLC. That will be one gorgeous color on you!


    That's a great color green for you. Finish the sweater for your mom - you will feel so great when you have that done!


    Yes, I'm thinking you need to finish your mom's sweater before you cast on anything else. That doesn't mean, however, that you cannot work on one of your other (how many??) sweaters too. Naturally, Mr. Jefferies is allowed to get a new one if the opportunity and desire should overcome you. Ohhh, maybe the cotton swatch would work into a spring coat for him??


    You must know the shopping rule "You break it, you buy it". This is why falling down in a yarn shop requires a credit card.

    Melissa in El Cajon

    Ha! One pet peeve at a time! Made me laugh out loud! Do you think you are a curmudgeon? If so, I think I would really like you. I'm one and I think we are the most realistic, practical, dependable, funny people in the world!


    I am glad it is going well. But I just hope you have an epi-pen handy for a while as long as you are experimenting with taking ibuprofen and aspirin. Also, get a medic alert bracelet or something that says you carry one so that a stranger knows you have it if you can't tell them.

    Jean E.

    Love the green pima. Go ahead and start a new project. You know you want to. I have lost rack of how many projects I have on the needles. More than once, I have purchased more needles so I don't have to disturb my WIPs.

    Mary Fran

    OOOO - that's so pretty. And Webs just posted a free scarf pattern that would also be a great red scarf project.


    Sheesh, Norma. If you're not careful, you'll have to start getting other people to knit you sweaters out of your stash. ;-)


    Love it!

    I agree with the others. Maybe you should finish your mom's sweater before casting on for something new.


    Mmmmm. that green. and whether it's the green I see or a darker more sea-forest green, matters not, loves them both. Great scarf pattern, what a find!
    I'll not be telling you what you should or should not be knitting, nope. not gonna go there. ;^)


    So you were holding out on us! Pima Cotton sounds and looks fabulous. Since you are in Vt. you can definitely call it forest green. Here near the Ct. shore we'll call it kelp.
    Glad to her the ibuprofen is working. Pet peeve slaying is an exhausting business.

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