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    « Random Wednesday | Main | Going Right To Town »

    Thursday, January 21, 2010


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    Yay, results!


    Good for you, Norma!


    I'll keep you honest tonight when we get together :>) You can look at the desserts in the showcase but not touch and not bring any home on the pretense that it is for


    You do seem to have bracketed the extremes with those two cookbooks.
    True happiness lies somewhere in between.


    YAY - Good for you! I'm proud of you. :)

    Mary Fran

    Good for you!! I'm with you in needing to see results. I've been getting up early every morning and doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred while back to my WW eating habits (not counting, I know, I know). My weight was not budging, though I could feel the muscles building. I'm shooting for 10 lbs in 10 weeks. I'm not seeing the "shred" yet, but stepped on the scale this morning and am losing. Pretty much on track now. Makes it much easier not to wallow in food because it's soooo hard!


    A date with a camera is good motivation. The So. Beach Diet is hard for the first couple of weeks but then the rules relax and it's not too hard. I wish there was a diet opposite of SB that would work for me (not one pound as yet). I am back at the gym, however so maybe I'll build some muscle mass. Keep up the good work, friend!!


    I love it!


    You *can* do it! You're tough... And congrats on the 6lbs!!!

    Seanna Lea

    You are having tremendous success. I have about 7 pounds to go myself, so I will be cheering you on!


    OMG... that's my bible for making Christmas Dinner, every year I pull it out. This year I made her homemade mincemeat and then made the Quick Mincemeat Christmas Cake... I think next year I won't rush I'll make a proper fruit cake.

    I love the section that tells you all the timings....

    The World is such a small place, I am pondering finding out about this SB diet.. I am struggling to stick to anything right now...

    elizabeth a airhart

    well good do you have to lose wieght
    to model hands
    could the camera person just air brush
    away the extra pounds

    good night and good luck


    Yay 6 pounds! That is so cool! Congrats!


    SB SuperCharged. sigh. gonna have to check this out for sure and YAY!!!!! for You! AND your seltzer maker :^)


    Congrats on the 6 pounds. I made choc chip cookies last nite-caved and had 2 or was it 3...But still losing. Just need to get my lazy ass out of bed and do the treadmill. So cold, brrrrr....Can't wait to hear results.Had Scallops, sundried tomatos, mushrooms, spinach and a splash of white wine sauted for dinner. Yummy.


    You are doing so well! I have turned to the Flat Belly diet, liking the emphasis on organic foods and healthy fats, and exercise... and hoping it will budge my stubborn, misbehavin' pounds.

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