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    « Random Wednesday | Main | Phew, Prizes Awarded »

    Thursday, December 17, 2009


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    At first I was afraid to open the link :)! But after scrolling down I realized what a work of art each hand was!


    That's really cool. It probably pays better than ATWT did, too.


    The detail on those 'paintings' just knocks me out. The toucan is my favorite.
    I don't know who has to have more patience - the artist or the model...


    No that's a cool job! Hand models can make loads of dough. Love the artwork, too.


    I love that ad campaign - - so cool! And even cooler now. . . that I "know" the hands!


    that is so cool! What a great way to make a livign!

    Jean E.

    With his green thumb(s), he should be a great help in the garden!


    That is so cool! I love the art work. I wonder how long it takes to make up his hands. What a fun way to make a living! I bet he has them insured and carefully bundled during the winter cuz chapped hands would not work too well.


    VERY cool!!

    Mary Fran

    What a great article and video! I agree, the artistry is amazing. I think you need to knit him some cashmere mitts to protect his investment. And remind him to remain "Master of his Domain".


    That's a new spin on body art! As usual, Mr J has paw modeling down.


    Only you, Norma, have the writing talent to turn the hand thing into titillating prose. The other descriptions used terms like "handiwork" and "hand model."Even Guido would probably be smiling.


    I hadn't seen the hands-cool!

    You are great to be dealing with prizes at all so if other life issues are slowing it down, so be it. Who would dare to be impatient? They might get their chances pulled out before the prizes are drawn!


    What a fun entry to find today! Of course, Mr. Jeffries could have a modeling career all his own, even without parental influences. Hang in there, all will be done in good time.

    Andrea (@shutterbitch)

    Those ads are so eye-catching!


    That's really cool. Thanks for the links.


    It matters not how many times I see photos of Ryan's hands in these ads, I'm always amazed and delighted. Fun links to go through for my midmorning break :^) (damn, he's easy on the eye ;^)

    Cheryl S.

    Outstanding! How fun.


    Heh. Once upon a time I had fantasies about becoming a hand moel. Then I had an accident with a knife that put a nice scar on the back of my right hand. Be careful, Ryan, and have a blast!


    Of course, we remember Ryan. Who could forget a pretty boy who loves knitters?

    Who knew there was money in hand jobs? ;^)


    Applaus to Ryan! No way we'd forget him. :)


    Thanks for the laugh and eye candy!

    Seanna Lea

    That is very cool. It was something I thought about doing ages and ages ago when I was in high school, but I didn't have the foggiest area where to start and then I started abusing my hands. It is an amazing job.

    elizabeth a airhart

    the sound of two hands clapping



    kelli ann

    oh, amazing ad campaign. how fun to be part of something so creative--

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