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    « Still Eating From My Garden | Main | This is a test »

    Tuesday, November 24, 2009


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    I'm finally delurking to say "Hi". Thanks for a great blog, for all of it - even the don't-have-anything-to-say posts. Sometimes those are the funniest!
    And I love the new sweater. Buttons and all.


    Dear Mr. Jeffries, I look forward to Terrier Tuesday every week. I am very jealous and wish that I could have a Mutt Monday. But my Alpha doesn't blog. I really like all your sweaters and the organge buttons are definitely not too girly. Orange is a very manly color. The boy hairless pup in this house has always liked orange best.



    Oreo meant orange. --Oreo's alpha

    Mary Fran

    Good for you, Mr. J. It's always good to keep the food keeper happy. While the buttons are a little twirly, I think you can pull it off.


    Good for you Mr. Jeffries. You are no dummy. You know Christmas is coming as well. I'm with you....get rid of the buttons.


    The buttons look like carrots! So charming with the yarn, too.


    Relax, Mr J - the buttons aren't girlie at all. And they set off those bronze highlights in your face.


    Oh, Mr. J. Those cool buttons add just the right amount of flash-and-dash to your new sweater. Fierce, I tell ya!


    Mr. Jefferies, I love you.


    Mr J, while I do agree with the comment that the buttons look like carrots, I don't think there's anything particularly girly about carrots. Just don't try to eat them and you'll do okay. Fashion forward...

    Seanna Lea

    Mr. Jeffries, the buttons are just fine. A swirl isn't a flower after all!


    Mr.J, I'm so very proud of you too, and I do know that all you want is to make A.Alpha happy and pleased. well, that and have as much fun as you possibly can, with treats ;^)
    LOVE your new sweater and no, the buttons aren't girlie, they're fabulous. Don't chew them up, don't try and eat them ya hear? XOXOX


    Mr. J., I look forward to your news bulletins every Tuesday. You make me laugh on some very tough work days. Re the buttons: you are on the cutting edge. Ask A. Alpha to tell you about word metrosexual; but you are there, boyfriend! Way to broaden the gender spectrum!


    Mr J, you are one very savvy (and *very* lucky) young man! And those buttons are perfect! You have a lot to be thankful for, don't you?


    Mr J,
    The buttons look wonderful on your new sweater and enhance your handsome demeanor. Keep on rockin' the sweaters, Mr. J.


    Mr. J, you are a marvel of sartorial splendor. Elegant yet masculine. (Um, have you been neutered?)


    The best part of Tuesday (is it still Tuesday?) is you MJ.


    Mr. Jeffries, you would look manly in any sweater. Glad to see how very smart you are... sometimes it's the better part of valor to avoid the mean voice.

    elizabeth a airhart

    oh human beings mr jeffries human beings

    my alpha puts down what ever newspaper
    she happens to be mad at

    lil ol pudding pie loves you


    Good boy!

    You want to stay on her good side or she might you into a muff. o.0


    You are such a fashion hound! Fabulous sweater and the buttons aren't too girly.

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