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    « More Prizes and a Special Offer from "I'm Knitting As Fast As I Can" Susan! (updated at end!) | Main | I Am Pleased To Announce That All Our Troubles Are Over. You Don't Need To Donate Any Longer »

    Friday, November 20, 2009


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    We all miss the obvious solution occasionally. The other day I was looking all over for my bluetooth and couldn't find it. Guess where it was?

    Yup, on my ear. Duh!

    By all means, rip up the ugly scarf. And if you had needed some red 220 a few months ago, I could have helped you out, but my two skeins went to the women in Iraq via a Bundle of Love.


    Oooh, I love the darker 'do! Love it!
    Rip, rip baby! (and then buy more if you love it that much!)


    Thanks for today's smile - I'm right there with ya, babe.


    As I was reading I was wondering, "why doesn't she just take it from the scarf she doesn't like anyway?" Glad to see you thought of it!


    As soon as you mentioned that the ugly scarf hadn't gone yet, I figured that was your plan. I had confidence you'd figure it out...


    We knitters are a resourceful group, that's for sure! :^)

    Jean E.

    I would have looked through my stash for that yarn, but it would have been a long search going through three rooms, in cupboards and drawers and under beds. Think of all the time I saved because you decided to rip!


    Oh, Norma!!!! Glad you finally figured it out.

    Elizabeth D

    To counteract the forces of entropy and my own flakiness, I now put multiple skeins intended for the same project safely into ziploc bags. Too much plastic, I know, but it's a mental health issue! (And there are mice in here -- ick). And I've even been known to write myself a note and leave it in the bag if I take one out. . .


    That so sounds like something I would do. Thanks for blogging about it. It does make for a great story. Love the hair color too!!


    Happy froggin'!!


    HA! That thought crossed my mind at the beginning of your story. By the time I got to the end, I guess I'd forgotten it because your suggestion sounded so clever!!


    HA!! That thought crossed my mind at the beginning of the post. But by the time you suggested it, I guess I'd forgotten because I thought to myself, "what a clever girl"....

    Mary Fran

    Glad you had a happy ending. Awaiting the arrival of my red linen from Webs. I think the napkins will be great car knitting for the 5 hour drive on Wednesday into the Adirondacks. I'll let you know when I put pictues on Ravelry. I'm thinking seed stitch on the diagonal a la a garter stitch dish rag.


    I'm always amazed that non-knitters are alarmed when knitters frog and repurpose yarn. Obviously, they don't understand the knitterly mind!

    Love the color.


    We all have those moments, The Norma. Trust me.


    I'm glad that it came to you before too too long...I was going to suggest it in my comment, but you beat me to it! Have a good weekend, enjoy your ripping.


    I meant to tell you, I really like your "not blonde anymore" hair. It's an extremely flattering color.

    Seanna Lea

    I have two skeins of Cascade 220 in a red color. I wonder if it is the same one.

    I normally buy two skeins when I buy yarn. One is only enough if it is sock yarn in the mega skeins. I still have plenty of single skeins, usually of lace weight bought to take the edge off.


    Rip and re-use is so practical... so New England (at least that is what I've been told!). It is heartening, in a sicko sort of way, to see that other people go through these sort of mixed up moments. Have a great weekend ripping and re-knitting!


    Oh! Whew! It's NOT just me...there are more like me out there!!
    Whew...what a relief.
    (Love the new color!)

    Tressa in NC

    Happens to the best of us! I do like that hair color - goes well with your skin color and eye color.


    Glad you decided to rip and retrieve :^) I had to check the dye lot though and mine is 1092. :^)

    elizabeth a airhart

    i have been never more amazed

    good night


    Great blog fodder - glad you came up a solution! I had some Cascade 9404, but knit every bit of it into a scarf - even had to frog & reuse my swatches. I set the scarf aside, for OFA, and then learned about the DK / non-bulky guidelines - and this particular scarf was knit with two strands, so... I think my nephew's getting it for Christmas. Here's the link to the scarf:

    (I knit another for OFA).


    dye lot 7388.

    Cheryl S.

    I saw the title for this post and thought for sure it was going to be another "pee post".
    How disappointing. ;-)

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