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    « Redecorating | Main | All About My NYC Yarn Crawl »

    Tuesday, October 13, 2009


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    Love the new banner and the photos are gorgeous. That Mr. Jeffries is one handsome dude, the scarf looks luscious and the fall leaves make me quite jealous. Happy Fall, Norma!


    Sounds like you had a great visit to the big city. Love the new banner, Norma!


    Thank you for shifting back to the middle again. My eyes are grateful :-) You've got quite the mushroom bed there in the last photo. Are they edible?


    We woke up to snow in the air and snow on the ground this morning. Our cat is not impressed. Maybe she needs a sweatshirt like Mr. J's?


    Love the new look for the blog. I am enjoying Terrier Tuesday. That Mr. Jeffries is quite the writer.


    It's just started snowing here so Mr. J is going to need a hand knit sweater soon. Maybe leftovers from the scarf so ya'll can match!

    gale (she shoots sheep shots)

    Mr J is not the only one who thought he'd get trampled on Broadway in Soho, on Saturday. What was up? It was like day-before-xmas-at- Macys-with-a-sale out there.


    Mr. J. -- you are just so stylin' in your little sweatshirt. Love. It. Stay warm, now!


    The new banner is great! Love the photos and the colors. I always enjoy Mr. Jeffries input on the blog.


    Mr. J glad your weekend was great. Tell A. Alpha the banner is fabulous!


    Perfect new look. Mr. Jefferies is quite the model! Maybe you could hire him out.


    Oh, You Handsome Lad, Mr. J! So glad to hear you had such a fantastic time this weekend past! and yes, I agree with AnnaMarie regarding a sweater to match A.Alpha's scarf, which is GORGEOUS!!! it would be soft and warm and you'd love it.
    ahem... just playing in the leaves? xoxox

    Mary Fran

    Goodness, I leave for a few days and you go and change up the whole banner. Looks lovely! I can just imagine poor Mr. J. on the big city sidewalks. I love that he's a country dog and a city dog - so wordly! We were in another big city for the long weekend - my sweet home Chicago. My husband said I didn't leave my heart there, I left my stomach. Not enough meals to eat all the food we wanted. Back to Boston, now - went apple picking out west yesterday. I agree, the leaves are stunning this year!


    'Are you a dog/cat or both person?' should be pre-requisite on all first dates.

    You've got that scarf modeling thing down pat Mr Jeffries, Vanna couldn't have displayed it any better. Maybe ask that awesome knitter Norma to knit you a sweater for Christmas. Red, of course.

    Linda M.

    Love the new banner and layout, Love Terrier Tuesdays, especially love the fall photos. As an ex-pat New Englander stuck in the very deep south (over 20 years now), I think I miss fall the most.

    I love the scarf, I bought the same yarn to make the sweater in the current Twist. Hope to start it this winter.

    Diane H.

    Love the new look - banner is great! Also love the scarf - smooshy for sure.

    J-Man: You jet setter, you! Where will you venture next??


    Mr J!
    Glad you had a good time in the city.

    Me personally, I think you would look fabulous in a red sweater, especially if you paired it with a person wearing a matching scarf. Just saying...


    I would think that lovely scarf would be amazing with olive green, browns and anything in the Mr. Jeffrie's hair color palette. Really lovely!
    Mr. J is adorable in his sweatshirt pic, the top one that is!


    Glad you are home safely, Mr. J - after all that wild travel to NYC!


    If Mr. Jeffries can't makes someone love dogs, it's hopeless.


    I love terrier Tuesdays even though I am not fond of terriers. Mr. Jeffries is a hoot!


    The new banner is great. Did Mr. Jefferies offer suggestions?


    You're going to be one cold little man very soon, sweetie. Better start practicing that helpless look now.


    Maybe A Alpha could knit you a new sweater for winter?

    Love the new banner!


    Lovely scarf! Mr Jeffries, you might need to spend a lot more time indoors.

    elizabeth a airhart

    mr jeffries mid life for humans

    is the time when one stays

    out of the way

    my alpha changed all the

    the light bulbs in town

    one night said pink lights

    were more becomeing to her
    skin tones love lil ol pudding pie


    Lovely new banner, adorable little granddog. Life is good.


    Love the new banner and photos. We too just got the last tomato from the garden in mid-October! Not as far north as you, but still!

    Carrie K

    You performed a valuable marital service on your NY outing, Mr. Jeffries.

    Nice scarf A Alpha made!


    omggggggg this post made me DIE. Too cute. TOO CUTE. I miss him already. and love the new look!

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