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    « Cashsoft Red Scarf and A Break From The Blog | Main | SATURDAY SKY: TRIBECA BRUNCH EDITION »

    Friday, August 14, 2009


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    Well, thank goodness! Have a fun, safe trip getting Abigail settled.

    (formerly) no-blog-rachel

    Welcome back. I missed you!


    marie in florida

    howdy . glad to have you back.


    Well, at least Mr. J can fit under the seat. Tuck would have to ride in the hold, even though he'd gladly sleep in my lap and be far more well-behaved than most babies. 'Tain't fair, I tell ya.


    I am so pleased to read this. I enjoy the glimpses into your world.


    Glad you're back!! I missed ya. Besides I am living with 10 terriers (rescue) and need my fix of a well behaved that DOES NOT eat everything out of the garden! Apparently, they like peas, green beans, and lettuce since I've moved the tomatoes and peppers to a protected area!!

    Lindy in Australia

    Commenting because you told me to (and I always do what I'm told, cough cough), and because I'm really glad you're back. But where were the produce photos? Jeez Norma, gone for that long and nothing to show????


    Alright, alright, I'm commenting already! Since this is a matter of the utmost medical importance and all that :) Have fun in New York!


    I have never commented before, but I enjoy checking your blog every day! Glad to hear you will be back.


    Have fun in the big city!


    hehe I knew you couldn't stay away long!


    Whatever. I just read your blog for elizabeth airhart's comments ;-). Welcome back, sweetie!


    Certainly have missed your zingy comments on life. You, too, Mr. Jefferies. Glad to have you back.

    Mary Fran

    Well, crap. If 50 is the new 30, that makes me 20. I don't think I can take the binge drinking and the lamenting over whether or not it was my turn to get engaged. Missed your blog! Wish Abigail good luck in law school for us!

    Margaret in Ontario

    Yay!!!!! One piece of the universe just fell back into place. Thanks, Norma.

    Susan Moore

    My gosh, don't get all testy.
    Actually, I read on Google Reader so a 'comment' is another couple of steps for me, not just at the bottom of the page.
    I'm glad that you're back from your longggggggggggg vacation, missed you.

    Panhandle Jane

    Congratulations on a good report from the doctor. It's good to have you back. I'm another mostly lurker, but I do enjoy reading your blog.


    OK. I don't always comment because you usually have quite a few. Lame excuse, eh? Well, I am glad you're back, too. I missed you and checked back a couple of times myself. I hope you can avoid the cholesterol drug thing, but understand the concerns. Have fun in NY!


    So Mr. Jefferies goes home? You're going to miss him, no? You amazed me with the time you stayed away. I truly thought you'd come back after one day. Blogging is a good habit and a good addiction and there is nothing wrong with having friends near and far. Glad you're back.


    THRILLED you are back! Now my morning routine is back in its little orbit.


    Welcome back! Thought of you yesterday when I made a salad with tomatoes, yellow peppers and basil from my garden. Have fun in NYC.


    Thank god! I actually have tears in my eyes. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


    Happy you are back - but honestly I am looking forward to Terrier Tuesdays more!! HA HA


    I swear that photo is a lady at my church named Vivian Graber.. where ever did you find it?

    Jean E.

    Welcome home!


    I will comment, damn it! lol Glad you're back. NY will be fun and high fives on your great health.
    My family prefers when you blog too - they figure I can laugh about your crankies instead of having them myself. BUT - you know decorating would make excellent blog fodder. Just sayin'...


    Nice to see you're back:) I also only ever commented once or twice I think in the last couple of years. omg. But it's always nice to read in the morning, another habit I guess.


    Oh good! I came by everyday, not thinking you'd really be back, but like others, we have our own habits. 'Oh, it's morning, better shuffle over to see what Norma's been up to.'
    Life has resumed its rosy glow!
    Welcome home, darlin', we missed you


    Aaaaah, 'tis a fine morning indeed, Norma! Cheers for your fantastic health. Will Mr.J be coming back home with you? yes? Of course you're not a Twit(ter). You could stalk Jared while you're in NY, get his new book, ask him to sign it :^) Have a fabulous time!


    Oh, hooray! I checked every day, out of habit. A good habit for me.


    Happy Dancing! You have become habit with my morning coffee. Glad your checks went well. Sending best wishes to Abigail in her new venture.


    Well, shoot. I did miss you, Norma, more than I anticipated. Have a fun and productive time in NYC and I hope Mr. Jefferies will be able to keep you all in line.

    See, I'm commenting.


    Awwwww your back---I'm so glad.


    I'm so glad your back! Checking your blog in the morning starts my day on an up swing. Thanks for that.

    Rhonda from Baddeck

    Your habit feeds mine - reading your blog every morning. I'm glad you're back, and that it's because YOU want to be, not just because we begged (and begged). Congratulations on your excellent health report, and have fun in New York.


    missed you.


    "And when I return, I expect to write the blog again, and I expect you to comment, damnit!"


    (There ends my lurkation.)

    Elizabeth D

    I was trying so hard to behave, so didn't beg you to come back. . . but when "Now Norma Knits" showed its lovely head in my Google Reader list this morning, I was SOOOO happy. I'd never be able to cope with law school-- a whole semester of torts? without the e?; more power to Abigail!


    whoo hoo! Life is good again. I'm so happy you are back.


    So if I drop dead after posting this comment? Eh, correlation does not imply causation. Doing my best today and every day to de-lurk a little more. Welcome back, enjoy NY and please, for the love of FSM, eat a real bagel for me! These bagel imposters in Michigan are offensive.

    Mary K. in Rockport

    Yay, you're back! I confess, I start my morning in bed with you, ha-ha, my laptop, and the cup of coffee my husband brings faithfully.So things have been a bit out of kilter. We'll be in touch from Vermont after you've recovered from the NYC schlepp.


    Yep, you're a habit that I missed when you were vacating. I guess I'll have to develop another new habit of commenting now!


    Glad you're back. Glad your health report came back A+. Glad that my mornings will get back to normal! :)


    Going for a commenting record?

    I have missed your daily posts, however, you have the right to vacation if you'd like. Have some fun while in NY.


    Welcome back! Is Abby going to NYU law school? Columbia? Is Mr. Jeffries gonna stay with her? If you find yourself up around E. 98th St. and see a serious-looking long-haired, blond, bearded 25-yo guy, give him a hug for me, 'kay? That would be Elder Son.


    Oh I'm so glad you're blogging again, even if it's temporarily sporadic due to life. I check you every day and every time I saw that lovely cashmere scarf it made me sad because I knew below it lay a (seemingly) goodbye and truly, cashmere should never make one sad.


    Welcome back! I missed you while you were on vacation! I check your blog daily for knitting news, and gardening updates. So that now that you are back its good to know I can continue with my routine and check your blog as I have my hot chocolate in the mornings! Thanks for not being gone long. Enjoy NY! Looking forward to your update on this trip and hopefully some pictures? Have a great time!


    Cheryl S.

    Good to see you back.

    Janice in Camas

    Hurray! Hurray! I knew if I closed my eyes and wished it hard enough, it would come true. I'm very happy that you're back and I promise to try very hard to comment more than my usual once or twice a year. Have a wonderful time in New York.

    CaroleP (ohio

    Glad you're back - hoped you wouldn't stay away too long. I'm a late nite person and usually read you before I go to bed. Nice.
    Is Mr J staying in NY? I hope not, well...if it's his home I don't hope not, but I know I'll miss him (and his hilarious comments).
    Have fun in NY - don't hurt your cholesterol!

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