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    « There Are Worse Habits. | Main | Catching Up »

    Saturday, August 15, 2009


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    That goes back atcha! And your scarves are splendid, not that I expected otherwise.


    Happy Saturday to you too. :)


    Wow! Law School! Terrific.

    elizabeth a airhart

    nice to see mr jeffries in good hands


    Such a sweet family :^)


    Screeeeeeeeeech! Wait. *Ryan's* new apartment?


    Mr. Jefferies looks like his dad


    Abigail looks sad to be leaving Mr. Jeffries. Will she be living in campus housing for convwenience sake? Ch-ch-ch-changes...{imagine melodic descant.)


    Happy Saturday, Norma! Glad to see all your babies together. :)


    I know it's absolutely none of our business but "Ryan's new apartment"???? Poop - here I thought you were all set in that department...


    Looks like a heavenly Saturday!


    So is Mr Jefferies staying in NY, or is he coming home with Grandma?
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


    So glad you are back! My daily routine has been out of whack since you took your break! No Norma with my coffee!


    So if Ryan has a new apartment, that might mean that Abigail is living on campus.... which could mean that dear little Mr J would be homeless, sort of. Will he come back to the A Alpha Spa? Have a great rest-of-the-w/e!


    Norma, darling. Can I tell you just how delighted I am that you're back???? Well, I'm DELIGHTED that you're back!! Hugs and kisses.


    Yay! I googled your blog with a bit of trepidation (I loathe disappointment). What a relief to find you and Mr. Jeffries Back from blogcation. Happy weekend to you!


    MrJ does look a bit like his daddy, doesn't he?

    I hope everyone gets a bit of a rest today before the new week starts.


    Are you having fun in NY? Mr. J. looks pleased to see his mom and dad. Lots of good luck to Abigail. This must be an exciting time for her.


    What !!! I thought you were taking a break ?


    Oh, I bet it's just scorching in NYC! It's nice to see the family reunited! LXLX Take a bite of the Apple for me!


    Welcome back! Nothing like a little restorative break! :-)


    I have read your blog for months and am happy to see that your blogcation was short and sweet. Your daily posts provide a smile with my morning coffee. Thanks!

    Jean E.

    How do you pack so much "cute" in one photo?

    elizabeth a airhart

    tis sunday pm have you been to bobbys flays yet


    Mr J is quite the traveling fellow. Enjoy your family.


    Mr. Jeffries is TOO CUTE!


    *Knew* you’d be back :)

    Per your comment “and all the doctors say that I'm healthier than I've a right to be at my *ahem* age” -

    Sort of reminds me of when my 45 year old, active and wealthy friend went to her doc to pursue further surgery on a previously broken collarbone that kept causing her grief and was told they wouldn’t/couldn’t help her and to either slow down and/or just get used to it since she was 1) old and 2) not a professional athlete.

    Of course she axed that doc and got action via a second opinion.

    I read through your fab “Food” section stopping at mid June ‘09 and found eggs, cheese, half and half, ice cream, bacon, sour cream, chicken sausages, goat’s cheese, grass-fed beef steak in your diet. I’m not a doc, but I don’t think your gorgeous greens will cut out wrong food choices ala The China Study by T. Colin Campbell and books by Dr. Roizen/Dr. Oz, etc.

    Thanks Norma!


    So how steamy was it in the Big Apple? Did Mr. J survive the plane ride?

    Carol Smith

    Glad you're back! I really enjoy your blog and missed it these past few days!

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