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    « SATURDAY SKY: TRIBECA BRUNCH EDITION | Main | Terrier Tuesday, The Oral Hygiene Edition »

    Monday, August 17, 2009


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    I hope the discoveries in your garden are all of the good sort! We just came back from a long weekend away and returned to find the first ripe grape tomato. It is hard to eat slowly and savor something that small but I sure did try.


    Glad you have returned to us. Ease into it slowly. Maybe a good rant would help?? Back to knitting my red scarves.


    Would you mind telling us where A is going to school? If so, ignore this.

    I think Mr. J is the type of guy to do well anywhere, as long as he has the people he loves and who love him around. Can I borrow him for a couple of days?


    Been on vaca...happy to see you've returned. Started my red scarf and it's fab! That Jeffies is adorable!


    Mr Jeffies is wonderful. Your blog is usually my cup of coffee in the morning.


    I'm a confirmed lurker for several months. Glad you returned to keep my breaks at the office more interesting.


    You certainly have a lot going on now along with more that is about to happen. I know you will do well with the new along with the old in the ways that work best for you. I hope that perhaps the time out in the garden or maybe the exercise can be refreshing and rejuvenating for you today.


    I was wondering where you were today. Mr J is just the cutest!


    Enjoy yourn day! :)


    Well then! I too am a confirmed, daily lurker. I knew you'd be back. Wellcome and thanks for the good reading.


    Glad you're back and with Mr J, also! Am hoping that he will be able to blog regularly; I so enjoy his take on the Chez A Alpha activities.


    I was on vacation and didn't realize you took a break. Hope it was just what you needed.


    I hope there aren't any giant summer squash waiting for you. o.0

    I get the comments thing. It's nice to have the feedback from the sane readers. Not so much but the crazy, but you're stuck with me. :P



    You have such an attitude that sometimes I'm afraid to comment. Oh yes, very silly, but still it's true.

    I must say that I've left comments in the past and you've been very nice in replying to me, but it took me a while to work up the courage. I guess I was afraid of being lambasted as a nincompoop. Or sumptin'.


    Have a great day in your garden-Now I'm afraid NOT to comment!!! Almost done with my 2nd red scarf- Glad your daughter has settled in-Wish me luck this Friday -taking mine to college-it's a big change and i'm never sure I handle these things well- I'm going to try the No tears approach-and then cry in the car on the way home.Love to Mr Jeffries.


    Our garden is down to beans, zukes, cukes and onions. Oh, I think there are some beets in a forgotten corner. We bought clear plastic this week and will start the solarization process next week to kill microbes in nasty soil. So, in effect, we're going to start on next year's garden now.

    Jen B

    Great - now I have to wonder about the new personal challenge - hmmm training for Ms Olympia? training Mr. J for agility trials? oh this could be fun.


    No Bloglines for me - I use an old-fashioned bookmark to come here. Don't forget to tell us all about the "more on this later" stuff tomorrow, 'k?


    If you can receive but not send, make sure your outgoing email settings in your email client program are set up with the proper address for your smtp server at your isp. Sometimes it's the same as the incoming (if you are using an email address with your ISP), but sometimes it's different. Even if If your imcoming (pop) is, you may still have to use the smtp specific to your isp such as I know my isp won't send outgoing mail unless I use it's smtp settings even if I am not using their email account.


    I'm one of the ones who *still* isn't getting bloglines updates for your blog. I'll try the unsub/resub trick and let you know if it doesn't work.
    I started with a folder of bookmarks, years ago (yours was one of the very first I found!) but it quickly got unwieldy. I was very happy to find Bloglines.

    Good luck with your billing issues. Keep repeating, "Computers are our Friends" until it does what you want it to...


    More NYC stuff. #1 son lived on Cliff St for a year when he was in college, a couple blocks from South Street Seaport and five short blocks from Wall St. NYU is the biggest landlord in lower Manhattan.


    Decidedly too hot. I just chopped a billion vegetables and marinated them in teriyaki and olive oil. Now they are roasting...outdoors in the grill. We'll eat them later, after they've cooled.


    Glad you are back from your blogcation. Writing a blog should be enjoyable, not another "have to" in our lives!

    elizabeth a airhart

    my we are going to have a busy time of it around here are we not

    its great you have lots of work just try not to wear thee out

    its 94 here in florida the storms are swirling around and about
    yet the night time sky has the look of fall

    i think i shall put my red bells on my feet and go look at the stars


    It's hot & humid at the coast of Maine too. Hope it wasn't too traumatic for Mr. J to leave his parents in the city.

    Katie B.

    The leaves are turning here in Oregon, too.

    Jean E.

    Can't wait for Terrier Tuesday! Leaves are turning and/or drying up and falling off trees here. Between the Japanese beetles, the emerald ash borer, the dry summer and the oak wilt, we have some sad trees around here.


    You're right about hot and humid. I'm going to be in northern VT for 2 days, end of the month, but my sister doesn't garden, so I can't be there admiring, like I would yours. Good luck with the garden and all the contracts.

    Mary R

    Welcome back from your blog vacation. Missed your daily post, but we all need a break now and then and you certainly deserved it. But, I'm glad that you're back, and Mr J, too!


    hahahahah, CRACK that comment whip! How funny (reading through the comments).. yeah, I hear you about bloglines but they're catching you on my list, go figure. Yay for the booked jobs.. and another personal challenge? I'm intrigued, yet again :^) (I love e airhart's comments :^)
    I'm so glad to hear Abigail is making all her transitions with such aplomb, mercy I love that word, aplomb. damn, you're having Oklahoma weather? triple digits (or might as well be)? that's just not right. xox

    Carol Cousins-Tyler

    I usually lurk, but sometimes I leave comments, so today I will say I'm happy you are back to blogging! I enjoy reading about your garden and Mr. Jeffries and your work. My Beef Steak tomato doesn't seem to be very beefy. We are getting small fruits. Not as big as a tennis ball. The taste is good, but I sooooo wanted big fruit. The kind you can put one slice on a sandwich? You know what I mean! I hope your garden continues to be a success! Carol


    I was away from my garden for a few days and came home to 35 cucumbers. Good thing I can dump some at my neighbors!


    so, is mr j living with daddy,n ow, or is he still staying w ith you?

    it's been raining just enough to make it tough to get intomy garden.

    the tomatoes are threatening revolt, and the eggplants are howling.

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