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    « If I Had It To Do Over Again*.... And Great Hand Jobs | Main | A Long-Overdue Modeling Session For Cookie and Kristen »

    Saturday, July 25, 2009


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    o.k. what is it? a wrap, a shawl or ?
    Am very intrigued with it, where can I find the pattern?


    LOL, you must really like that pattern as you admired it when I was with you at KYarns. I have that pattern also and it is qued on my list of things to knit. Not much of a sale at Creative Habitat. You can buy the yarn online at Webs and get a better discount (with minimum purchase, but then that is not hard to do). I went to the sale 3 days after it started and I was not impressed at all.


    Is that ribbing I see? And are you practicing your Continental in preparation?
    Beautiful wrap!


    Love the pattern, who's is it? Luv me *g*


    You have some great new acquisitions. I said acquisitions. Must be a librarian thing.


    The earrings look perfect! Don't you luv serendipitous shopping finds?


    I bet if you really wanted the coral drops, you could email the seller that picture and ask her to add them to your earrings. (I don't think they need them, myself.)


    Gorgeous find and score on those earrings! I always luv your taste in adornments.
    I've never seen a Ben Franklin store, I don't think they live in our neck of the woods and apparently they won't in yours either.
    Fabulous shawl/wrap thingie, those cables are just yummy! ditto for the colour of the llama/silk!

    Cheryl S.

    Mmmmm - Llama silk? I'm sure that will be wonderful.
    I think the Cascade 220 I'm using for the red scarf is working up wonderfully, and feels nice.


    Lovely earrings. I agree with Carrie, btw.

    The closest Ben Franklin is an hour away. Yeah, never been there. /sigh

    I can't wait to see how that pattern knits up.


    Our Ben Franklin went out at least a year ago. I hardly ever went. I don't think they ever had Cascade. But I could be wrong because, you know, I hardly ever went.

    I can't believe you posted that wrap with no pattern info - no name, no link, no NOTHIN'. Where's the LUV???

    elizabeth a airhart

    i am just happy to be here tonight


    Oh Norma! That's too funny! I have that very pattern in a different colorway of that very yarn - and purchased at a Middlebury VT yarn shop!!! My big sister was visiting family summer before last, and went into the store, showed the owner my blog and together they picked out that pattern and the llama silk in a rosey terra cotta. Now my sis will be delighted to hear that I am compelled to make this since you will be, too! (I'm including the link to my Xmas post


    Oops! It must have been the same shop - my post reads "Montpelier!"
    Now that is too weird - I live in Virginia.


    I'll bet that wrap is a stunner a little narrower. Is a narrow version included in the pattern or will that be a personal modification?
    And the earrings...!! I just lost a turquoise earring that *matched* my necklace on Saturday night. I think I'll head over to Etsy to see if I can find some others that might complement the necklace as well as the originals. Thanks for the reminder...I always forget about Etsy for jewelry.

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