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    « Saturday Sky with Forlorn Puppy | Main | Mobile Posting »

    Sunday, May 31, 2009


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    May I please have a linky?

    And/or a clue about what her Ravelry name is please. I'm not getting any young and having to look through all your friends over there would take up what's left of my 30's.

    Congratulations, Kristen!


    Thank you much Norma! Cookie, my Ravelry name is Vertushka. I don't know if this will work, but once you are logged into Ravelry try this:


    Congratulations, Kristen! Sending you the best of luck for finding a job soon! Now I'm on my way to check out your destash page. (I'm very sorry you're having to do this though, that really sucks.)

    marie in florida

    the linky pasted into my search bar worked just fine. Congratulations and Success , Kristen!

    elizabeth a airhart

    may your foot steps be light upon the path kristen

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