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    « Red Sweater in The Wild | Main | A Word From Mr. Jefferies »

    Monday, May 11, 2009


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    Yeah, you'd be surprised how the front porch can affect a sweater. 'Specially if it's got gables.

    Seanna Lea

    It sounds like a really lovely day. I was smack dab in my last show (complete with heavy lifting and pushing scaffolding around), or I would have been trying to get there by hook or by crook.


    Oh, it all seems like a wonderful dream! :D It is by far my favorite festival too!
    Moo you.


    Fun! Wish I lived closer. The sweater is perfect!


    Moo to you too *giggle* That is a very cool photo and I do love the cardi. I'm inching closer to trying to make a sweater but honestly I think it's going to be a next winter thing. Gardening and working my fanny off is actually, well, working my fanny off and I don't want to make a sweater in one size only to rip and downsize. There's a reason I love shawls and socks...

    Next year I'll be in better shape to go, my shop is actually taking off (even if it is only spinning stuff) and I'm rather looking forward to having you all to myself next week. The sun is shining, time to garden!


    The sweater is perfect! POIFICT!! My grrls, oh my everyone was all look SO good!


    Still can't believe I missed you...
    And you took one more picture that I took!
    Love that Drops cardigan - especially the longer version. That's my favorite cable, too. I can picture you rockin' that sweater, too!


    Yeah, I had a great time and missed some people too... but got to see so many lovely friends, I had a great day. (Dang, I just gave myself an earworm.)


    I loved getting to see you! I know I missed people, too, and I kind of wish I had visited all the building with more intention but - - - whatever. It was FUN.

    Mary K. in Rockport

    Katiska's "Alaska" IS nice. I like it better than Isolda's similar design because it doesn't ride up over the rump.


    I have to admit that I almost got into trouble at work when I saw the last picture...


    It was wonderful to see you, too, as always. NH came at just the right time for me ... I was gasping for some adult time.

    Here's a non-Rav link for the sweater:

    I love it, too. The yarn you have will be perfect, I think.


    It was SO good to see you Norma!! You looked FABulous Dahling! :-) It went so fast. I wish we could have hung out more.


    And Marcia and Terry.....

    Cheryl S.

    Sounds like you had a great time. You were sure taking a risk sitting in that Milking Parlor. Who knows what might have happened. (Which reminds me of one of my grandmother's favorite phrases - whenever you lifted something heavy, she'd say "Don't strain your milk!")

    I've been eyeing that Drops cardigan too. But would definitely do it without the hood.

    P.S. - Even though I'm tall, the length is in my legs, so my back-waist length is actually "normal" by standard measurements. But in proportion to my height, that makes my torso a little short. Larry's slightly shorter than me, but when we sit, he looks taller because he has a longer torso and shorter legs. Maybe your torso is longer than you think it is, in proportion to your height.


    Looks like a fun day!!


    ...and a grand time was had by all... I really need to move north. or just somewhere else. preferably north. I'm feeling more than a little wistful this morning :^) ahem, french fries? did they not have pie? cobbler? (I know you love your spuds)
    Moo. hee.


    Speaking of fit and proportion, I just attended a workshop on fit by Sally Melville, based on her newest book "Knitting to Fit and Flatter", written with her daughter. It was very interesting & useful. Now to put it into effect.

    marie in florida

    c'mon now; really ; you must link to the story of the SL,UT. please? salt lake? i cut up a lot of t-shirts; it's almost always too hot for a t-shirt in florida


    It was GREAT to see you!


    I was looking for you on Saturday 'cause I thought you might be there, but alas, I didn't see you. One of these days we'll actually meet all real and in person like. Looks like you had a great day!


    That was a super day.

    Katie B.

    That really is a gorgeous sweater, and I agree about the longer version.

    In fact, I agree about sweaters needing to be longer in general... even though I'm a tall person. ;P


    Well no wonder the milk vending machine was empty, they're trying to milk ladies...

    Sounds like a fab day and I hope to join y'all someday.


    I really do live on the wrong coast. /sigh


    I hope the new sweater works out for you! You looked fabulous in your red cardi, and pictures don't do it justice, you're right. Wonderful seeing you, and everyone else!


    Sounds like quite a day! And that Alaska sweater is gorgeous.


    Sounds like you did just great! And such people you got to hang out with.. I'm envious, though I doubt I will ever make it back there.

    Tracy J.

    Norma, you are awesome. That is all.

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