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    « So. Vermont. | Main | Cookies and Cache and Other Random Things, Like Penis Envy »

    Wednesday, April 08, 2009


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    Love that red. It will make a beautiful GVC.


    I'm glad you settled on the cardigan - I think that's an excellent choice.


    I like a peplum, under certain circumstances. Like when I'm not feeling fat.

    Knit on - can't wait to see more of the red!


    You waffle, I dither... Isn't it great when a decision is finally made? (Of course, with knitting, we can always change our minds.)


    It's going to be a great cardigan!


    The weather has us all in a fog. It can't make up its mind, why should we? You're going to love GVC.


    When I think peplum, I think butt-ruffle.


    The cardigan is going to be wonderful. :)


    I only recently touched Calmer for the first time and I'm in love with that stuff - I know that's crazy, but i haven't been living under a rock, I just seem to pass the Rowan section at the LYS. It's right near the register, so maybe I subliminally just don't need the reminder of what I'm about to pay and zip by.

    Anyways - no pressure, (you know, if you hate it and frog it or if you add a peplum just because you can) but I cannot wait to see a GVC made out of Calmer - and red, no less. Totally cool.

    Cheryl S.

    That red is gorgeous! I really want to make that cardigan too.

    Congrats on the veto override!


    That's a good choice.


    I love GVC - good choice! If Waffle is your middle name, mine is Fickle.

    Jill B.

    Good, good, good. GVC is a nice one.


    GVC is just such a classy little Beauty! I'm hoping all goes well because it's going to look fabulous in that Red!


    Now I'm hungry.


    Waffles???? Mmmm. I love the GVC!

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