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    « Mile-High Blogging | Main | Hummer Alert! and Other Exciting Stuff »

    Thursday, April 30, 2009


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    That is totally a milk foamer, right? Don't be afraid girl!

    You know Costco will take that camera back if it craps out in the near future? They're good like that.


    I am in love with those buttons! I wondered about that picture the other day.

    Lindy in Australia

    Some sort of do-it-yourself I.U.D.?


    Yep, it's a milk frother--for all your homemade lattes. Or whatever else you care to whip into a froth.


    Ah, Sil & CR have taken all the fun away. Froth away, you sexy beast!


    I love those buttons! It's a battery operated whip isn't it?


    Love those buttons! Especially the leaf ones.

    Now you can make yerba mate latte... Yerba mate chocolatta capucino latte... (help! someone please stop me!) Yerba mate Macchiato Caramel Americano Con Panna...

    (formerly) no-blog-rachel

    I have a milk foamer (though not in that cool orange) and love it. And my daughter in law just got that exact camera in green - she's thrilled with it. I don't like the crowds at Costco but you can find some great deals!


    Those leaf buttons are beautiful.

    Dave Daniels

    VERY nice leaf buttons.
    And that device? Keep it away from my proctologist, please.


    Girl, you know how to buy buttons. I love them. Sounds like you had a lot of fun on your trip!!! Good for you!!

    marie in florida

    ooh; now i get it, i hadn't noticed the bit on top when i saw it on Susan's blog. only that big orange handle. imagine the naughty thoughts i had...shame on me. i actually thought it might be another pee device.


    I want the brown buttons!!! I am coming over to get them right now!!! Looks like you had a great time!

    Seanna Lea

    I really shouldn't be surprised that anything can be bought in a variety of cool colors. I'm just used to all household appliances coming in basic black and white.

    I have a cup style milk frother, which involves a lot of arm strength!


    See how much Utah misses you!? Since so many people commented on the "mystery gift" I'm glad you're going to show and tell what it is.


    gotta love the milk frother...

    but not as much as those leaf shaped buttons!


    Button Love!

    I still think it's a sex toy of some kind.


    Did someone get you hooked on steamers? That's just wrong! *lolol*


    I don't know what that orange thing is, but I sort of want one. Especially if Cookie is right. ;-)


    You know I wanted wooden buttons for the child sweater I just knitted, don't you? One red, one blue, and one golden brown. Too bad you didn't get me the blue one, too ;-)


    that milk frother really works!! make sure to leave room in the mug for expansion.


    I am so disappointed to know that it's a milk frother. I was totally thinking it was something naughty. The look on your face is priceless. It really sounds like everyone had a fantastic weekend. What fun.

    PS - I'm with you on the point-n-click camera. Best thing out there.


    Love the jewelry and buttons...good choices all. I just got a Kodak point and shoot for the same reason and about the same price. And guess what...because it is so small and lightweight I keep it in my purse and always have it when I want to take a picture, unlike the old one we had that weighed a ton and a half and therefore got left at home a lot. Have fun with it.


    Don't look at me, I haven't the slightest idea.

    If I ever make a fine-gauge sweater I want some of that Shibui in mulberry.




    holy shit, that thing is battery operated? (written before reading the comments, apparently those commentators do NOT live in caves)
    The coral and turquoise both took my breath away and each for different reasons. yowza, beautiful colours! Beautiful yarn. I want a little camera like that.. but.. those green buttons? Oh yeah. Those. Green. Buttons.


    Do NOT let that thing get near your crotch. Seriously.


    OMG Norma! heh I'm so glad to see a better picture of your Milk Frother because I was SO CONFUSED when I saw the picture of you holding it over on Margene's blog. hehe I love all the happy pictures of your trip to UT. :)

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