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    « That Wasn't Much Fun | Main | »

    Saturday, April 11, 2009


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    I can't wait for the progress reports.


    I'm glad Anne was one of the winners, too. Her goal cracked me up all day. Talk about your trick-riding...

    Lisa H.

    Oh, I didn't win... I guess I've got pee-envy for real.

    I want to hear progress reports from the field (so to speak) from the winners.


    I'd be lucky to just stay on the horse! Anne is a riot!


    I love Anne's goal ... not one I think Her Ladyship is going to encounter in Pony Club.

    Have you ever seen or read David Sedaris' essay on the Stadium Pal?

    Dave Daniels

    Pee standing up? I've got that one covered.
    Yay for Anne. (I was going to say Yay for Anne and her ass, but that's a horse and not a donkey, right?)


    It's a regular pee fest around here!


    Oh to be a fly on the horses ass....or some place near by...out of the pee stream.

    cindy (maxfun)

    When I saw the title of this post, the first stirrups that came to mind weren't on a saddle. I was wondering why someone wanted to pee on her doctor. . . :)


    HEY NOW! Dave better watch himself or I will come and pee on his shoes with one of my new P-Mates.

    You can say anything bad you want to about me, mister, but don't speak bad about my horse.

    (Although Bhen's nickname IS "Yoda" because his ears are so long. But for the record, he is a papered Arabian, and as long as he gets to go fast, he probably won't care what strange things I'm hanging off the side.)


    That Anne is so funny! You wouldn't think it either...she's so cute and sorta shy!

    Cheryl S.

    Let's see... peeing while riding at high speed. Seems to me that Bhen isn't the only one who would get wet. I think Anne needs to realize you don't "spit into the wind".


    I'm just going to sit here and wait for the Norma's Pee Club button to arrive.

    Congratulations ladies!


    Oh man. You know, I'd just like to be able to ride at high speed and appear reasonably competent rather than like a woman who is freaking out but trying to look cool. You go, Anne!


    Clearly, Bhen is of the school of thought "Better to be pissed off than pissed on." I'm sure he will do all he can to make it possible.

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