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    « Does Anyone Else Hate Photo Sessions As Much As I Do? Out-Takes and A Contest | Main | I Destash In Your General Direction (Monty Python Fans Should Like This Title*) »

    Monday, March 23, 2009


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    Nope, not gonna give you one. Gonna give it to someone else.

    Tracy J.

    Keep wingin' it. Why not? I mean, besides all those reasons why not, anyway. You're living a wild and crazy post-Pepsi life, just break all the damn rules.


    Keep it up! I gave up Diet Coke a while back myself. Would you believe that after a couple months, or maybe even a couple weeks, you won't even like the taste anymore?


    Oh, wing it! Keep your options open. (Advice from the Chief Ditherer)
    And, pea coat -> Navy -> ocean -> beach -> beachstone buttons. Makes sense to me...


    I say wing it; I doubt you'll want that really heavy button band if it's going to be single breasted but you can still make it a bit wider than normal.

    Sorry about the back, AND the diet coke slide.

    gale (she shoots sheep shots)

    I've seen that Yank in person and it is a gem, go for it! You can adjust the length, no problem. With the beach stone buttons.It'll work.


    I would hate for you to knit an entire coat and not be comfortable with the look because it's too big. Unless you are PLANNING on putting on weight, fix it now. Organic does not have to be without correction. Of course, I'm only saying this because I am completely the opposite and would continue until I was weeping with the realization that it would have been much easier to fix early on.


    You could eat a bunch of chocolate and other fattening food, gain some weight and make the larger size and then you won't need to whine about the coat. OR you could DO IT RIGHT! ;-)


    I bought a bunch of seeds this weekend, too! It's been crazy weather-wise here in the Northwest, so I don't have any choice but to start my seeds inside...I agree with the majority that you should make your organic project smaller, otherwise I think you'll be swimming in it!


    How much space is 10 stitches? Would you still get acceptably wide button bands?


    hey, have you tried steaming that ribbing just as it is? i've used that exact edge several times for sweater hems and they all remain flat once they are blocked . . . so maybe it just needs a little coaxing?


    I fucked up my back too. A lidocain patch, a magnetic back brace, lots of advil and tea helped. Still not whole, but taking it easy today. I hope your back feels better too.


    We got tomato seeds from Seed Savers Exchange this year. I think we're going to try and start them today or tomorrow!

    Cheryl S.

    Remember what that spa guy said about the Diet Pepsi.
    Not that I'd believe him or anything.


    I really appreciate having you to read every morning. Sorry about that back.


    I'll be interested to see what you decide - I like Yank, too, but I've disregarded it because it's double breasted. Not my cuppa.

    Barbara D.

    I live in Maryland, the spinach has been in the ground for two weeks, just starting to sprout among the tulip bulbs ( I planted it in the long stone built in planter across the back of my house where it will hopefully remain slug free...) and I have the peas but the tiller doesn't want to start. I know what you mean about starting seeds, I bought all the seed starting stuff again but can't stand having the stuff around the house. Last year I had one of those mini plastic four tier portable greenhouses that I wheeled in and out of the sun room out on the deck. I went to work and a big gust of wind came and ruined everything. This was about the only time I had grown really healthy plants from seed. I broke down and bought my pepper and tomato plants at MDSW last year and will do the same this year. It's a way to get hubby and son to the festival with cameras and a purpose - to carry the plants to the car and take back home. Planning on joining the garden along. We have a huge asparagus bed, for about five years now and I am already sick of them and haven't even tasted much less seen one yet. I give them away to my friends that have been good to me over the years.


    I was gonna say what gayle said about pea coats and Navy and beach stone buttons. And I'm proud of you for your diet cola resistance. Keep it up! The longer you go, the less it will appeal, and the worse it will taste if you slide. For better or worse, I despise the taste of DC; has to be the real thing for me. Which I am trying to give up, as well.


    I can't wait to hear about the google hits this post gets.

    Oh, and I've got a lonely diet coke in the fridge. Wear the boots. ;^)


    I nailed my back on Saturday redoing the river rocks around the pond, which had become overgrown and ratty looking. Now it's pretty, and today my back is a little better. I hope yours is too. I also need to get onto Ravelry and sell some stuff. But not after I look at your stuff (again). Also, thank you for the Bday wishes to my girl.

    elizabeth a airhart

    nothing worse then a computer shut dowm

    the garments are just handsome i love
    rhubarb warm or over ice cream or just
    warm in a dish and heavy cream

    was it patti page who sang rhubarb pie
    and apple pan dowdy etc good night norma

    Mrs MJW

    It is that time of year, isn't it? Looks like a fun pattern...though alot of work ahead of ya. :-)


    Your fancy seeds are giving my seeds inferiority complexes.

    I'm so sorry your back has been troublesome. I hope you are already well.


    So it's been a long day and I didn't actually read your whole post... but, we (meaning my husband) have already started seeds, and have little tomatoes and pepper sprouts trying to live in a sunny window.

    For some odd reason, I've never become addicted to (or even enjoyed) fizzy sodas.

    Because I am totally addicted to sugar in general and caffeine as well.


    You made me do it! I Googled "farting knitter" and there you are at the top, rockin' the category! ;0)

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