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    « 321. Surgical Rotation | Main | 323. A Great Big Swatch, or: Learning to Trust My Instincts »

    Tuesday, November 18, 2008


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    I can just see a whole row of guys at a bar sliding their beers back and forth! {snort}


    I love that beer trick - way better than a row counter!


    Sounds and looks like a fabulous time! Bravo that.
    So much beautiful knitting, never mind the wonderful photography in that book!


    maybe we should try that with tangerine grapefruit margaritas. LOL, how many rows will you be able to do? Looks like fun was had by all. Loved all the pics. Thanks!

    Mary K. in Rockport

    "Yankee Magazine-worthy" -- hah, hah!


    The Kathmandu is a great yarn. Soft, lightweight and warm. My husband has decided that I can only make him sweaters out of it.


    I'd loose my place in the knitting if I had a beer for every row! How nice to see everyone and have such a great time.


    Sabra and Carol are fun. The shop would be a good place to meet up in summer months. Sounds like you had a blast.


    Beer-memoed knitting. Huh. Wonder if that would work in Wisconsin...


    Heh, Montgomery Joes. What a great time you all had. So.... do those guys still meet?

    gale (she shoots sheep shots)

    Point taken. I meant notorious. ;-)

    ps I have your famous umbrella.

    kelli ann

    the store in montgomery centre is marvelous:: the building is charming and so are the people who keep the shop! ;-) they have all sorts of fanciful felted creatures... inspiring yarns... buttons, photo cards-- everything you want in a yarn co-op. they meet the first monday of the month at the library-- i haven't made it down yet but mean to soon...


    How fun! Love the beer idea.


    Darn, I'm angry with myself that I didn't go after all.

    Jessica Dillner was a maid of honor at my daughter's wedding....small world. She and my daughter exchange fiber.


    wish i could have been there. sound slike it was fun.

    also, i saw that burlington vermont is considered the healthiest city in the US. how far are you from there, ms eating-local-doing-ygoa-like-a-madwoman!

    Seanna Lea

    The Cobblestone has passed my hubby's seal of approval, so I'll be getting some Peace Fleece for that (I made him wear a loop of the unwashed rustic yarn I'm currently using, figuring that the Peace Fleece can't be any worse)!

    I figure while I'm getting the 7 or so skeins for a sweater for him, I should pick some up for a sweater for me!


    You're famous to the people who matter, honey. That should be enough if you still hate people. ;^)



    I thought you were the infamous Norma. My mistake...

    elizabeth a airhart

    if you ever write a book
    the name of the book should be

    now now norma

    delightful posting


    Yup, lots of fun. I think maybe we should work on a calender called "Men in Cobblestone" since this seems to be one of the sweaters that appeals to both men and those who knit for them.

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