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    « 308. Archeological and Mathematical Adventures in Knitting | Main | 310. The Four-Minute Sock »

    Wednesday, November 05, 2008


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    Well, my faith in humanity has been restored! Brown is good. ;)

    Mary K. in Rockport

    12:55 a.m., two gracious speeches later, a lot of exhilaration, and fatigue. The linked sweater is gorgeous, and so simple. How I want one.

    Mary K. in Rockport

    NOW I want one.

    Cheryl S.

    I love the yarn. I love the cardis. Both of them.


    Did you say that you were browsing Ravelry? OR am I on the wrong blog.


    Well, you talked yourself into a good choice anyway.
    I love looking at the pictures on Ravelry - so much so, that I've never gotten around to entering anything myself. Always get distracted by all the shiny objects...


    Briar is one of my most worn Cardigans. It's so different from your CPH. I love the sweater you linked to, too!!


    Lmao with Sandy, you browsing ravelry...and yes I love both sweaters. I think I will have to put aside some of the Christmas knitting That I mentioned on my blog this morning and start another selfish sweater...LOL.

    Jean E.

    Two beautiful sweaters. It will be fun to watch your progress. I am betting you have already swatched for each.


    I was wondering if you would every knit another plain vanilla pullover. In oatmeal no less.


    Did you check Ravelry to see if anyone had a different color of that yarn who wanted to trade?

    Cathy R

    You might try contacting BWA - I am fairly certain that she has done color swaps before... They are off to Stitches right now, so there may be a delay in answering.


    Who are you and what have you done with my Norma?!

    Judy M

    Love the linked sweater with the garter stitch yoke. I am very jealous, because knitting without a pattern is beyond me.

    kathy b

    Thanks for the great yarn suggestions!

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