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    « 309. Well, That's Interesting | Main | 311. It's Official: It's Unofficial »

    Thursday, November 06, 2008


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    Can I hear a "WHOOT!"?


    Béla Knitrolyi--snicker, snicker!! Tendinitis--ouch. Been there. :(


    I'm only correcting you cause it might come up at's tendonitis (even tho my spell check wants to correct it too!)

    Love the beefy sock Norma! There's one a little more svelte and a little more fancy on the way soon :)


    Thanks for the even had me speed reading.


    laughing the best medicine. You crack me up. "ravelryized" wtf. I love it.


    Oh how I love those thick beefy socks! Congrats on your mad sock knitting skilz, and thanks for the morning chuckle.


    Will you be competing in the 2-minute scarf event next?


    40 stitches! That's got to be fast. It's funny because Dale was pulling on a pair of socks I made for him way back when and he was raving about how much he loves them and how he'd like more pairs of them. They were knit with Cascade 220 and probably took 4 minutes, too. I think I can accommodate him on this request.


    Great socks! Great post too, made me smile.


    Maybe i should rethink the xmas presents. Heavy socks for everyone!!


    It is moved that this chapter of the Ravelry Underachievers be closed. All in favour? Let the record show one vote in favour, none against, none abstained. Motion carried. *sniff*


    LMAO. Funny thing is, the worsted weight socks I made when I was just learning (not very long ago) are my absolute favorites. Cushy and lovely.

    Yours turned out wonderfully. Brava!!


    Look at you...a real knitter. You've come a long way babe! That pair of socks will be well loved and worn in the cold that's coming.


    Those are WONDERFUL socks and look very cozy; the stripes are especially pleasing. And I love natural dyes. I am extremely impressed at how alike they are, being knit at different times. Way to go! Definitely a PR!


    Thanks for the giggles! Very nice socks - only problem with worsted weight socks is finding shoes they'll actually fit in ...


    Got to love the thick, quick sock!


    I started some heavyweight slipper socks on 8s while watching election returns on Tuesday night -- I'm turning the heel already, even with a bunch o' cables!

    Cheryl S.

    LOL! I wish all socks knitted up as quickly as worsted-weight ones.


    I was just about to come in here and comment that if you finished that in 4 minutes, I was going to give you my sock yarn stash. Too bad. ;-P


    What nice socks...and won't your husband be happy with his nice warm feet this winter? Loved the story too.


    Here's a headache remedy from my youngest son who has "next thing to a migrane" headaches. 2 Tylenol and a can of Diet Coke. Really. That simple. I tried it and it worked for me too. Hope it works for you. :)

    Seanna Lea

    That's great! If I could knit a pair of socks in a few hours (granted all of the socks I have going are sock weight not worsted), then it wouldn't be problematic at all to knit two pairs for my MIL before the holidays!


    Four minutes?! Dude, I knit two pair while reading this.

    You are one of those people. You know that, right? xo


    Hate to tell you this Debi, but the first entry in the dictionary is tendinitis. The "alternate spelling" is tendonitis. I learned this when I had it. What a wacky language English is, eh?


    You crack me up! Lovely socks....

    Lisa McGuire

    Love the socks and really love the story...:)


    From the midst of a Bohus sweater at over 8 stitches to the inch, man do those socks look great!


    9 ounces? They can count as leg weights when you wear them. Also, I would like to meet those leaders of the pack, they who supposedly knit faster than you. Frankly, I think you made them up.

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