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    « 305. Swatch Mania | Main | 307. If All Goes Well »

    Sunday, November 02, 2008


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    Congratulations to Anne!


    Ah, see? Those who give, get. She will love that yarn!


    I'm stunned at your generosity...that color is you. But, Anne will look great in that color, too.

    elizabeth a airhart

    hoo ray for us and red scarf


    That's wonderful, and yay for Anne! Judging by what she knits, she will love that yarn. And yay karma!


    YAY!!! and Congrats to Anne! You just know she's going to do something seriously yummy with that yarn!


    That's fantastic! About the money, I mean. It's not so fantastic that I didn't win anything. :-(


    So, I'm curious....are you going to send along a little swatch of the Rowan Magpie with that prize to Anne.....hmmmm?


    Awesome! Congrats to Anne!


    That's fantastic, Norma!


    i LOVE it norma! that is so my color; thank you awfully much!


    I'm weeping over that Magpie, but you are right. No one deserves it more ('cept maybe you or me) and it will become something beautiful. Do you think we can all get together and petition those ninnies at Rowan to bring the stuff BACK for you-know-what's-sake?! Would we love it as much if we had a lot of it? (I've got five skeins left, nya, nya!)

    Jean E.

    Congratulations, Anne. I hope we get to see what you make with it!

    Cheryl S.

    Pretty yarn! Congrats to Anne, and also to YOU!

    La Verna

    COngrats Anne!Yeah us!


    I'm glad the totals reflect those of us that already have enough yarn (blasphemy, I know! hehe) and don't enter the "contest". It's such a worthy cause and so lucky to have you as it's champion Norma :)

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