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    « 292. Roommates Blog The Festival | Main | 294. The Sky Is Falling »

    Monday, October 20, 2008


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    Dave Daniels

    Are you sure that wasn't dropping from a giant rabbit? I don't know nothing about no deer poo, so I'm just guessing it should be bigger than a cat turd. :)

    gale (she shoots sheep shots)

    Sorry to have missed you yesterday Norma!I'm one of the naive festival goers who thought she'd "just run into" everyone she wanted to see. NOT! Nov 15th in Montpelier, the Knitting Studio?


    CP(withouta)H fits like a dream. Lovely!

    I missed you all ...


    It is beautiful-Just the right color. I LOVE it! Glad you had a great time.


    Your sweater is GORGEOUS. I'm glad you had a good time. ~ksp

    Teresa C

    Ahahahahaha! I think you should talk to Kathy, Cheryl or Carole about that "deer pee." They may know something about it. But I could be wrong.

    Jean E.

    Very pretty. I like no hood idea.


    Gorgeous sweater on a gorgeous woman! The colour is fabulous.


    Tasty venison loves you, Norma. It wants to follow you everywhere.


    The sweater was indeed gorgeous! Glad you made it home safely.


    Hahahaha! Terry is not wrong. Although I see she neglected to mention Margene. Let's not let Margene get off scott free in that fiasco.


    I have no idea what these people are talking about. Looks like deer poop to me.


    I second the bunny poop motion. I had hoped to run in to you this weekend, but our booth was so nuts, and I got away so rarely, and there were SO MANY PEOPLE, that that didn't happen. But wasn't it wonderful?!?


    I was only an innocent bystander. But, the stories I could tell about Cheryl, Carole and Kathy would rival something from the Keystone Kops.


    Kathy who???


    You look gorgeous in the sweater!


    You are beyond beautiful in your FABulous new sweater! Holy shit, it's GORgeous! Sounds like the Women were up to something sneaky.... what fun!


    Again, I don't know how in hell I missed you TWO days, for Pete's sake, but I think that is a great photo! (Is that Kim I see in the background? I did see her several times.) I think I must make that sweater...Peace Fleece, eh? As for Rhinebeck? Hated Saturday. All these new spinners and knitters have either got to learn how to walk and shop politely or stay away so we can have our Rhinebeck back! It was hideous. Sunday was much better...for a while.


    Great photo of you in your new fantastic sweater! Good color :)


    A sweater to be proud of, Norma! I think that's the same shade of Peace Fleece that I used for my daughter's mittens.


    Wow - your sweater is wonderful! I wouldn't have guessed it's the same one Interweave photographed.

    Cheryl S.

    The sweater is, indeed, perfect. It looks so cozy!


    It always comes down to pee.


    Love the sweater on you. Just wondering, maybe hotel doors are like deer fire hydrants?


    I love the sweater...especially with no hood, as I am not personally a huge hood fan. That came out wrong, I am not a hood fan at all, but I also am not a fan of hoods! I would love to go to the CIA sometime. My son has two friends who are studying there.


    Beautiful sweater, Norma.

    I was thinking maybe it was deer that were jealous of all the attention that the sheep got over the weekend, but I have a feeling, after reading the comments, that I may be wrong.


    The sweater is very, very nice.


    Your sweater turned out great, love the color.


    country girl, huh?


    You look so beautiful!! And did YOU make that sweater?? It's amazing!!! Please make one for little jeffies?!?!?! (...but in blue. blue is his color.)


    Your sweater looks great! Glad we got a modeled shot. Makes it look really good.


    Oh, deer.

    It was GREAT to see you. And totally what you said: much, much too short. With Rhinebeck it is ever thus.

    (How many people do you suppose were there on Sat? The mind reels.)


    Looks like sheep poop to me, actually. Did you actually SEE all the folk staying at that motel? Maybe Delores dropped by....
    LOVE the sweater. Perfect perfect perfect.


    That sweater looks amazing on you. I just love the color. :)


    It was great seeing you, too, Norma--however briefly! (And, I DID get a picture of you, even if it's not really a sweater-model shot....)


    The sweater looks great. I was hoping to see it in person but didn't run into you at Rhinebeck.


    The sweater looks great.


    I can't believe I am one of those people you saw for two seconds and then I never found you again! I did ask where you were. Ask Margene. But she didn't know either!

    WAH!!!! At least we got our hug in.


    Where else could you find a fibre festival, a finished cardigan and deer crap all in the same blog post? No where, that's where!

    Fantastic job on the cardi, by the way, but you probably knew that!


    I think someone didn't like one of you gals. Went to scoop a pile of deer dung from the woods and deposited on your steps in the middle of the night. I'd DNA the pee.


    I loved that sweater. Loved. And I thought that nice rambouillet one was gimmex.

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