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    « 291. Images From A Festival - Part 1 | Main | 293. Scat-ergories »

    Sunday, October 19, 2008


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    It was gimmex to see you at Rhinebeck (and help out with the yarn winding!). Did I use the word properly??


    Claudia molested a waiter?! Sil didn't mention that!

    Photos please!

    Alarming Female

    I thought I recognized Jenn!

    It was da bomb, ladies. Absolutely.

    Rhonda from Baddeck

    The sweater - did you get to wear the sweater? Inquiring minds are eager to know. Sounds like you had loads of fun - hope you get some sleep tonight.


    Haha, great post! Sounds like a blast!


    it was totally gimmex to see you and Sandy this weekend!


    It was simply an attempt, not completed.


    Gimmex! Sounds like you had a great time.
    And I want to know about the sweater, as well! Did you have to wear it with the needles still in it?


    Dang, no wonder I didn't see you at Rhinebeck, you kept on hanging out in Hyde Park -- where I was too! (No CIA for us, just Eveready Diner -- three times, we were just across the street!)

    Seriously, as I told Sandy via email, the only thing that didn't happen this weekend in an otherwise perfect weekend, is that I didn't run into youse guys. I saw Cara and Meli and said "Hi!" But I think I was hiding from the crowds when you were out and about, or vice versa, or some such. Dang. And I was even wearing the Pioneer Braid Scarf, until I made Jennifer/Gwynivar take it because she was way more cold than I was.

    No problem with it being too hot to wear your lovely sweater! Looks great in the picture; and just like the trees....they were beautiful.

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