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    « 290. Finis | Main | 292. Roommates Blog The Festival »

    Saturday, October 18, 2008


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    Your frigging computer ate my comment. Thanks for that.
    SO, let's try to remember it again, k?

    WHAT?? No sky??? Hrmph! Do you know who I am????

    Alarming Female

    Wow--that Laurie has an awesome manicure. She should be a hand model.


    Did you return my Sandy's car?!

    About the hot white russian? Did you get his number or a photo for the blog? ;^)


    What?! No picture of the hot white Russian?! Oh, wait...

    Dave Daniels

    HOLY CRAP! You went to Rhinebeck, too? Wow, I feel like the only one who didn't get there this year. But, with those mobs, it's probably a good thing. :) Good for you for holding out on the STR craze. (Is that STILL going on?)


    Awesome. Glad you're soaking up the fun. I have had the pleasure of dining at the CIA - sadly, during depositions, not a fiber festival. Delish, though!!!


    And I settled for a lamb burger! Glad I got to say hi at Rhinebeck. It was mobbed.


    I was watching for you, Norma, and I spotted Margene from the photo on her blog. Did she and Laurie tell you I said, "Hi?"

    My show miracle: I matched yarn I bought two years ago so I could finish the sweater I'd started. And I mean an absolutely perfect match! I wanted to go around and show it to everyone.

    Have fun today.


    Totally one of the highlights of my day was to finally give all of the grrls a BIG hug!


    This sounded like an absolutely wonderful experience. I would love to attend a dinner with a menu like that. Yum!


    I so wish I could have gone to Rhinebeck this year. But I'm still up to my ears in fiber that needs to be spun. Yes, the STR booth is insane. The year I went, everyone mobbed the booth before she opened and grabbed handfuls of yarn. She ended up throwing everyone out. I know she was totally frustrated. I really miss living in NY. Please post more pictures if you have them.


    What, no modeled shot of the new sweater?? Great photos.


    I'm glad i got to see you, even if only for a minute. I hope to have a proper hang with you in the not-too-distant future! It's been ages.


    It was just insanely crowded ... every year, it expands exponentially. In another year or two, they'll be turning people away at the gate! It was great seeing you, Norma! Maybe one of these years I'll be able to stay later....

    Amy T

    thanks Norma! It was great to see you!


    Sounds like a great time. I love that your other blog post was "Norma-approved", haha!


    How did I not, in two days' time, see you even ONCE? My friend "Other Marcia" did, but was too shy to say hello, thinking you, Laurie and Margene wouldn't know her. I never saw Laurie or Margene all day Saturday, come to think of it, but did connect with the whole bunch today. Weird. I hate it when it's that crowded and frenzied....people are total schmucks. Today was better. Best was Friday, with no shoppers, only students and vendors...Judith's class was awesome!


    *ahem* I didn't see you at all.

    Seanna Lea

    This was my first time at Rhinebeck, and while I had the impression that it had been getting bigger each year that in no way prepared me for the rush of people. I was only there on Sunday and it was still crowded (though there were no worries about running out of yarn, because it too was everywhere). As soon as I was through the gate I gave up on expecting to see and recognize people. It was just too crowded!


    Well shit... I missed seeing you too! I'm going to have a freaking list a mile long of people I didn't see but wanted to. Next year, damn it... LOL


    It was great to see you even if only for a moment! :o)

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