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    « 280. The Thing About Medical School | Main | 282. October 9th »

    Wednesday, October 08, 2008


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    ooh i'm first! so i just got this book in the mail last night and i haven't gotten a chance to look at it with any real attention but so far it looks great. some great colorful stuff in there.


    The new Big One made me happy, too. There are several knits camping out on my to do list.


    Mmm, love your unauthorized review! It makes me feel all warm and tingly. And like I need to buy the book right now.

    BUT: I've been plotting my strategy for Rhinebeck. Because I'm going, without my spousal pack mule (not that I *can't* carry things, but the person in question can't stand to see me burdened when he has an overabundance of UBS -- upper body strength); and I have a bad thumb right now which limits the use of my left hand; and I have to fly then take a bus or taxi, then the commuter train, then a taxi or rental car. So it's the lightest possible carry-on for me. Which is a challenge right there. (And means I need to rein in my souvenir yarn-buying tendencies, which is not a bad thing.)

    SO: Ann & Kay will be there, as will Franklin and Stephanie. So I have been holding off buying ALL their books, figuring they will be for sale at R, because I'd love to have them signed, and it will be easier to carry them only one way (or I can even probably mail them back Monday before I fly out). It's been difficult to wait. VERY difficult. But that's my thought process.
    I am, however, a Rhinebeck neophyte. Any advice would be welcome!

    Diana Moro

    Norma - Winner Number 50s prize went out in yesterday's mail. Don't forget you have one more to dangle to the crowd!


    Thank you, THANK TOU! What a post! I'm in a heap of chuckles and what a good morning! One of the knitnight women brought their copy the other night and we all ooohed and aaaahed and had a few gasps, fabulous book!
    Oh yeah, I also really REALLY like that last one.


    YOU!!! (ffs)


    Ha! I did see that someone gave the book away because it was "too big" for her to read in the bathtub.

    OK then.

    I've got it on hold at the library. Can't wait to see.


    Even though I've been lazy about commenting lately, I love reading your blog. Thank you.

    Cheryl S.

    Oooh - I really like that coat. I also want to attempt a knitted coat someday. I do love coats and jackets, even though I prefer weather that's warm enough not to need them. It's a quandary.


    Mr. Jefferies could totally have modelled the swiffer sweater! He commutes around town in a little shoulder bag, I bet.

    The way the mop cover became a dog sweater is that a lady I was sitting next to in Weight Watchers while I was knitting it, thought it WAS a dog sweater. From that point on, it was all about finding the dog.


    * You* are hysterical!! Thanks for blogging everyday; I love it!


    I saw the mention of the book being too big, but refused to believe it. Ann and Kay are ladies. Ann is Southern, ffs. They would never give us a book that was TOO BIG.

    Btw, I think the grandpuppy needs his own little swiffer cover thingy to go along with his little white hat.

    elizabeth a airhart

    my are we not full of red pepper this am

    funny posting really is

    my package is in the mail to ofa




    Get a room!


    P.S. I donated a 50. Those orphans get me all the time!


    A petite woman like yourself can easily make a "coat" sweater. You just have to knit a "tall" sweater. Think of it that way and your head won't explode.


    I'll have one of those "new cigarettes" too... Do you ever look on the craftzine blog? They had urinary tract wallpaper up there a few days back, here, just don't use it as a diagram for surgery or anything.

    Seanna Lea

    Truffles. Definitely better than cigarettes.

    I really want to buy the new MK book, but I'm on a pseudo shopping moratorium (which mostly means I can buy yarn at Rhinebeck and yarn/stuff for gifts, but nothing for myself) until the holidays are over.

    I really want to make the huge fairisle blanket. It is gorgeous!

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