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    « 278. It's Apple Crisp Sunday, and Announcing A Chance at an Exciting Lace Knitter's Prize | Main | 280. The Thing About Medical School »

    Monday, October 06, 2008


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    Dave Daniels

    Beautiful cableness. Isn't it great when the two pieces match? That's something I've never been able to master. :)


    Can't wait to see you wearing your new sweater!


    I know just what you mean, knitting with Peace Fleece and it remains to this day one of my all time favourites, LOVE that yarn! Your sweater, gives me a huge grin also, I'm beyond tickled that you've decided to finish it!
    Congrats to today's winners!


    I'm working on a sweater in that exact same color of Peace Fleece -- isn't it pretty?? Every time I work on it I fall more in love with that bricky red.

    And yeah, "rustic" is right . . . I'm so glad it softened up after soaking -- I was worried that it was going to be super scritchy.

    Seanna Lea

    Ooh, it's good to know that about the Peace Fleece. I've been thinking about buying some for quite a while, because the company does such good things. I think I will hold off until I find a worthwhile project and an good softer alternative project to work on.

    Your sweater is coming out great! I'm sure you'll manage to get it done for Rhinebeck, unless you fall down in the finishing like I do!


    The sweater looks great! When I knit Ben's Peace Fleece sweater I washed each skein before winding it into a ball and that helped with the roughness.


    Woo hoo, they match!

    I think knitting is to some people completely seasonal. Which makes a lot of sense. It's fall and starting to get cool again and lots of people, including you, are making sweaters. So obviously right now is sweater-making season, and sooner or later it'll be sweater-wearing season (probably more sooner than later, sadly). So... yay! sweaters! Definitely a relief that your two fronts are the same size.

    Linda M

    OOOOOHHHH! I won, I won, I won!! seriously, I'm delighted to be able to support the Red Scarf Fund. I work with college students and anything anyone can do to make their quality of life a little better gets my vote and, more important, my contribution. Everybody, please give a little to help some kids who will really appreciate your support.


    woo hoo! I can't wait to see it on, you cheshire cat,you! It is sooooooo your color! Damn, does this mean that I have to make another one? I wore mine this weekend to Woodstock-dropped in on the lovely ladies at Whippletree ( where I got the yarn) and twirled around showing it off. They all loved it. People on the street asked me where I got it also.


    So glad the sweater is working! It's going to be your new favorite, I'll bet. Peace Fleece is on my list of things to try.
    I wasn't so lucky with my worrying about my gloves being different lengths - but my worrying didn't start soon enough... Argh!


    Warm and fuzzy, indeed. I look forward to seeing it in person.


    Good for you, knitting another sweater! (I always loved Heather.) Have you ever knit both fronts at the same time? I do that occasionally, but ALWAYS do sleeves at the same time. Another way to keep them honest is to check off every row, especially with cables. Can't wait to see yours at Rhinebeck!


    You are going to look SO awesome walking around Rhinebeck in that sweater, the scarf you have planned and that necklace you bough in Utah!!! I can't wait to see you looking fabulous. ;-)


    What a way to start a Monday!! Winning such beautiful yarn!!! Thank you, Norma, Paula, and all the wonderful people out there who are knitting scarves, contributing $$, contributing luscious prizes, and doing all the other terrific things for this incredible organization. You guys rock!

    Cheryl S.

    You're totally going to love that cardigan!


    OMG, that sweater is stunning! And I love that rich red-brown color. What's the pattern?


    oooh, we'll have to bump and rub sweaters at rhinebeck; the body of mine is done and i just have to knit sleeves.


    Isn't it nice to know that you can get back on the knitting wagon and the shit works out just fine? :D I can't wait to see you modeling that sweater.


    I don't have any excess cash to donate, but I did round up 4 excess scarves I made "just because" over the last few years. I know that doesn't put me in the running for the prizes, but I thought you might like to know a few more neck warmers are in the mail. One of them is even red.

    Lee Ann

    With a title like that, I was expecting something phallic and explosive from your garden, but I'm kinda glad it was knitting instead.


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