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    « 129. And Manise Shall Have Her Pup Tent Compost Bin | Main | 131. Miles To Go Before I Sleep »

    Saturday, May 10, 2008


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    David *might* be there, so keep an eye out for him.


    Here's hoping you find a use for that bikini! Have a fabulous time!

    Dave Daniels

    Damn! IT's been 2 years since I've gone. Alas, I'm heading to work in a few minutes. Norma, can't you talk them into having it the weekend AFTER Mother's Day? YOU HAVE THE POWER!


    Wah...I never get to go to New Hampshire. I'm holding out for the VT festival in September.


    Enjoy, and I hope you get to wear the bikini!

    mary lou

    Thanks to you, I'm looking at lasagne gardening. Any updates/photos there? A good idea for a post, no?


    HAVE FUN! I know you're already on the road and I'm here in Utah feeling envious.


    And you forgot to pack your Sandy. :(


    I am hearing the echoes of a monstrous kerfuffle from the direction of New Hampshire so I can only assume that you have arrived and are enjoying yourself in typical fashion. Please leave some of the state untrammeled. And remember, pillage first, then burn.

    Lee Ann

    Wish I was there, but rehearsals etc. prevent me from going anywhere before June. I have yet to go to New Hampster and I'm from there, dammit. Flash someone for me with that halter top, will you? :-)


    Have a blast! I hope the weather cooperates.


    Have a great time!


    I hope you have fun for all of us, Norma! Hug lots of nice people. Bring back some goodies.


    Wishing you warm, dry, comfy undies.


    I can tell you that Norma did NOT flash wet undies.

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