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    « 94. Spring Splurge | Main | 96. More On Seeds - The Spring Fever Edition »

    Saturday, April 05, 2008


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    Dave Daniels

    Yeah, be kind to Kermit!
    Hey, can you believe I'm staying up late???


    Oh, ouch.


    Oh. That poor sock just isn't behaving!!


    Dude, if I wasn't so busy being busy (and sick) I'd come give that sock a good talking-to.

    Of course then it would turn itself into a scarf ...


    Boy, I'd rather frog than tink any day. And I've been doing a lot of tinking lately...


    Gack.... echoes of my childhood. I totally remember dad pissed off at us because we didn't do something right... it may have been scrubbing off the crayon we put on the outside bricks of the chimney. EXACTLY those words! That seed place looks interesting. We've already gotten our seed order in from FedCo (do ya know them?), and DH has started several flats. Growing tomatoes here totally sucks, one it's maine, two we lose the sun in the back yard around 3 pm. We did well with beets last year. However we sorely missed our eggplant (no seed, I forget), something called swallow or black swallow, a long eggplant (but not spicy like an asian) that grows in a short season. Wicked yummy on the grill. And many kudos to you for preserving your bounty. We just eat as much as we can, and give a fair amount away (except the garlic, we hoard that!).


    I had a frogging session with my current sock last week- not once but 3 times! It's much better in the long run. Pretty yarn. What is it?


    Frogging, not snogging. Too bad. ;-)


    crap... did I miss something? what was wrong with that sock? rip away.....


    Hi! *waves from the other side of the frogpond* I was about halfway through the Ruffled Fichu shawl when I had the sudden, awful realization that I was going to fun out of yarn. Handspun yarn. And I'm not sure I can get roving in that colorway to spin more. And even if I did, it would probably be a different dye lot. Now it's on time-out, thinking about what it *really* wants to be when it gets knit up.




    rip-it! rip-it! Bud-wise-er!


    Show it who's boss, The Norma!


    Sometimes a loved one has to be put in their place. It's our duty to do it.


    Sorry abt the frogging, but what BEAUTIFUL yarn!!!!


    Tough love, indeed.

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