Only Nominally a Knitting Blog. But Who Cares?

  • One L short of normal.

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    « 88. New Exercise Protocol | Main | 90. The More Things Change »

    Sunday, March 30, 2008


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    Damnit, you gonna change it up and shit on us? Just when you start showing us socks again?! Fuck. I'm never gonna understand that Norma chick. ;)


    Can't help you with the banner and all, but I love that sock. Darn pretty it is.


    Elegant, sassy and smartass? It's too early on a Sunday morning for me. I'm drawing a complete blank. I love the name though. I'll have to think it over. Hmmm.... I love doing banners so if someone wants to come up with the idea, I'll do the banner work and they can have the spindle (if we win of course).

    Dave Daniels

    Oh, ferfuckssake, are we gonna have to update our bloglines and shit????
    Ok, I gotta hit the graphics software...
    And, hey, who's knitting those socks for you?


    Norma, your blog was one of the very first knitting blogs I found, back when I first discovered what blogs were all about. (And when I figured out what Bloglines was, yours was the first I subscribed to!)
    So, I originally came for the knitting, but I've stayed all these years for whatever you choose to write about. Along the way, I've learned a lot from you - like, how stenography works, and what Bikram yoga is, and even "you mommy."
    I'd keep coming back every day even if all you ever posted about was sawdust...


    Glad you explained, because I assumed the "2" was because you'd had an old blog address and had to change it because of spammers, so this was #2....

    I can make up a backstory or a plausible explanation for anything. May not be true, but it WILL sound good!


    I'd suggest Norma's Nominal kNits - for if you knit or if you're picking nits (my family name for nitpicking)


    I really liked your idea a short while ago when you put out there "One L Short of NORMAl", quite clever it was. By design, do you mean an actual banner? Or ideas as what it should look like? I don't have a program for designing, but I have a quirky program for thinking up ideas. It's called pea-brain 1.25 circa 59

    Marcia Cooke

    Well, I found (and came to love you) as Nownormaknits2 so I'd be a bit bummed if you change it, but what pops into my head is a blend of two monikers: Normaeclectic? Whoa...that's a mouthful! You're on your own with a banner...I can't even get a mosaic into my blog.


    (sings) Don't go trying - some new blog name - it's really gonna hurt your hits. Eccentric steno, don't play the name game. We love you now as Norma Knits!

    Sue H


    Graphic - no help there!


    I can't believe you're going to part with that other spindle! Hmmm... do you want actual code or are you just looking for ideas? I'll email you an idea... if you want code, send it back "rejected for lack of code" or something.


    Oh, well, this is going to be Fun!
    I'm actually quite smitten with that sunset enhanced orange.


    Well, the obvious is Norma Eclectic, but maybe Norma Eclectic Knits 2 would work!


    ha! I've always wondered about the shameful demise of nownormaknits1....guess the truth isn't as interesting as the world in my head. now ain't that the truth.


    Oooh, a contest! I lose at those! But I do like your sock, orangey or not. Imagine. YOU knitting socks. Huh.


    You're gonna go and change your name and I'm just trying to remember to blog more than 7 times a year! NormAclectic is my suggestion. And if I win, it would be my first step into spinning!!


    More orange is always better.

    The few, the proud, the name-in-blog-title knitbloggers. YEAH!

    gale (she shoots sheep shots)

    Did not mean to rabble rouse or cause an identity crisis! :-) ! ( did I just imply that you are rabble?)


    NORMAllyEclectic - how's about them apples?

    More socks?? You're gonna put me out of business dude!! J/K - I already knit your 2008 holiday offering. I don't mess around, do I? :)


    I have to say that I will miss your banner- loved waking up to your Plain Vanilla in progress with the cheery sunflowers. Just- please don't make the text background dark and textured. My poor eyes won't be able to cope.

    Norma(L)Y Eclectic ...... and maybe some Knitting 2.


    geesh...with my dyslexia i thought it said northernelectric.

    Katie B.

    I think I gave up on making socks with that Koigu colorway and made it into a BSJ instead - I just liked how it came out so much better!

    Incidentally, I too use my real name in my blog title, just not in my url. Mendylady is a nickname I picked up playing online video games. :)

    I'm not much help on creative blog titles, I'm afraid. However, you could try some pun combining Norma and Nominal... or is that too cutesy? Norminally kNitting?

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