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    « 63. E is for Elephant | Main | 65. Has It Been Four Years Already? »

    Wednesday, March 05, 2008


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    toni in florida

    Very cute socks. Their fraternal nature is part of the charm of handmade socks... unless made of solid yarn, of course. And I totally knew you'd finish them, but wouldn't take bets on when. If you're anything like me, it could be any time from now till next lifetime.


    Close enough, I say. Well done! And look at those tiny little ankles!

    I was working on my first spring sock. Then I got sucked into a certain cardi project. Now I'm hoping I can get the socks done before summer.


    Very nice. You know...I usually try to match them up as well but I really like it when they aren't a perfect match. Not just for the "I made these" factor...but the "a little off kitler" factor. Yup. Just like me :)


    I knew those socks would be done and I am glad you are enjoying them.


    I'm just thrilled to see the handknit socks on the blog. A finished pair, who would have thunk it?!


    Love those socks, nice work Norma! The colors are fantastic!


    YOU kitchenered? I'm proud!


    I was going to comment on the cool socks and the fact that you finished them, but I'll wait and do it tomorrow ... if I remember.


    I kitchener all the time... oh, were you talking about knitting???

    I just finished a pair myself. Yours are lovely, and like Cookie, I noticed your pretty ankles before anything else.


    I like em. And I LOVE that you finished a pair of socks!


    I'm sure if you hang around the medical building long enough you'll hear all sorts of interesting things.
    Oh and did I mention I lOVE the socks?


    You little old sock-knitter, you. They're cute. Don't you love the way the Trekking changes color as you knit? Endless enjoyment, like the Noro.


    So glad you made peace with the yarn! Or at least made it happy with the right needles.
    I have been finding a project I'm working on to be very demanding as to needle size -- whoda thought that a quarter millimeter would make so much difference in gauge and fabric? But it did, just like your socks. They are awesome, though, such an antidote to the dregs of winter and the upcoming ides of March.
    We need some color here in Wisconsin. It's still all white, with occasional patches of brown in the last day or two. Sock pictures help.

    I'm glad you keep mentioning your contest, because I keep forgetting about it. Except that I read your blog every day, so then I remember it again. Sigh. It's been quite a week at work. My brain is full. See you tomorrow!


    Yay, yay, yay!!! I feel like having a party for you! Way to go! You're a real knitter! (I'm not as excited as all those quotation marks would make you is 5:30am here, after all.)


    Betcha can't knit just two.


    I feel this should be celebrated with a national holiday or something. Hmmm... Norma's Day ... it has a ring to it!
    Nice socks, too! :)


    The socks that I disliked most while I was knitting them are now the ones in heaviest rotation. Go figure.


    Love the socks...I like mine to be as matchy as I can get them too.

    I don't like grafting either...I always lose my place. (One reason I like toe up socks). When I must do it, I use a knitting needle.

    Ravelry: JKA


    They look great!


    Great looking socks, Norma. Very nice job on the toes and the striping-matching.

    Teresa C

    Oooh, I love them. Norma finished socks! This is a week for possibilities.


    Nice looking socks. I should dig out one of my pairs. Might help with the flu chills.


    Blogversary tomorrow? Hallelujah! I'll bring the wine :-)


    AmyP, Perhaps Norma's Day could be delayed until tomorrow; it is, apparently, some sort of anniversary anyway ;0)

    Today is Multiple Personality Day and Friday, March 7 is National Crown Roast of Pork Day (might be a Canadian Holiday). We need something to celebrate on Thursday.


    Pretty colors Norma! I usually don't match my stripes. Sometimes I even start from the other end of the skein. Half-assed and backwards, thats me!


    Lovely twist of citrus for the feet. And a blogversary? I'll be there with my hair in a braid!


    They're lovely!


    Oooh that is a great day to havea blogaversary!! I will always remember it because it is my oldest son's birthday!


    Great socks, and congrats on your successful grafting! I do not take these things lightly at all.


    Love the colors on the socks :-)


    They look terrific!


    I think the socks look faboo... so bright and cheery!


    Lovely socks! Kitchner stitch sucks. I feel very liberated now that I know I can do toe up with a magic cast on. Better'n burning bras, almost. Or are you younger enough that you don't remember all that?

    Seanna Lea

    You post reminded me that I have always been amused by "Monogamous Sox," which are socks that have numbers on them, so they are easier to match after washing. One of my guy friends has a set given to him by his SO, and it was just a hoot seeing him lift up his pant legs to show off the numbers.


    Your alert about the contest for lurkers to come out of the woodwork really amuses me. Also, what nice socks! Any idea if you're going to cast on for something new now, or just ride the high of a finished object for a few days? ;)

    Cheryl S.

    Congratulations on the kitchenering!


    I am one of those lurking in the background...actually I am new to this blogging stuff and also returning to knitting after many years of abstinence. True confession: I have never knitted a pair of socks. Love yours. I just purchased my first sock yarn, bamboo dp needles,drinking my coffee and wondering if and when I will begin these socks. Really enjoy this blog an will return again tomorrow.
    I am Canadian and buried deep in snow.Will we ever see spring?


    Those socks are beautiful, and so useful right now. Nice work!


    Close enough, no? They're nice!

    Katie B.

    zomg, socks!! Very nice.

    But then, I'm a sock knitter. :)


    They're beautiful! Congratulations on finishing them.

    Beth S.

    LOVE! But you knew that already.

    So are you a Sock Knitter now, or what? :-)


    I am glad that you finished the socks Norma, hurrah!!!!


    Norma, I just love your blog so much. Nice socks, too!

    elizabeth a airhart



    Nice socks !


    Ruby Leslie

    Happy blogiversary Norma! Is it possible that a blogless weaving lurker is the first to post a comment on a knitter's blog?? No way! Enjoy the spring-ish day we're supposed to be having (obviously in your honor)


    Congratulations on the blog birthday.

    Today is my mom's actual B-day.



    Sally Villarreal

    Aww, I never try to make my stripes match when I use self-striping yarn.

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