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    « 6. Community -- A Little Sunday Story | Main | 7. Storyboard: Two Kids and a Hat in NYC »

    Sunday, January 06, 2008


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    Um, how do I buy? I'd love all the Patons sock yarn you've got and have Paypal?


    Norma! How do I get to your paypal account? I need to purchase the Cottage Craft NOW! I'm in serious need...... oh shit oh shit oh shit - the yarn frenzy has struck!


    Ooooh I'm going to have to pick up a bottle of wine so we can try that one out. I'd been thinking about looking up a coq au vin recipe. Yummy!


    It must be in the air, my mum made coq au vin last weekend and invited us over for dinner. She said she just had a craving and had to have it. Sooo yummy. Can you imagine if all of the air really did smell like it? I'd weigh a billion pounds from being hungry all the time...

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