Only Nominally a Knitting Blog. But Who Cares?

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    « Break Out The Champagne (or the Kentucky Bourbon?) | Main | Speaking of Magic 28....(A Contest) »

    Wednesday, August 01, 2007


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    Hey... you're knitting. That's one up on me!


    I've thought of doing something for that, but other projects get in the way.


    Ohhh, stealth projects...coming from the Treasury books...hmmm, what could you be working on, must wait and see :)


    Woo-hoo! Love those socks!


    YOU are knitting lace??? Okay. Who the HELL are you and what have you done with Norma?
    P.S. If that is not indeed lace, then never mind.

    Dave Daniels

    Is that going to be that leaf fern scarf thingy? It's a great color, whatever it's going to be.


    Something lacey? Is that a square for a blanket?


    And I thought this was a daily musings of a busy career woman's blog. What is this knitting thing that you speak of? Hmmm stealth...

    Marcia Cooke

    Well, at least you're not SEWING like half the knitters I know! Or baking bread, cough. Interesting-looking thing under the sock....


    Whatever it is, it's pretty! Love those socks!


    Those are great socks.


    You have awakened my inner ferret. What is it? What is it? What are you hiding? Run and find out! Lopi socks? Wow!! Mega toasty warm.


    Looks very pretty! Thanks for your comment on my green socks. Now I see why you are loving the green. :)


    NOW Norma knits!?


    Good thing. I was thinking you were going to have to change the name of your blog.

    Beth S.

    Orange Lopi! You're pushing two of my buttons at once. :-)


    Stealth project, whee!


    Is that Little Arrowhead?


    Knitting? Really? That seems so wrong...

    Btw, I need a new charity for the tiny socks. Ideas?


    anything with "blood red" in the description is a friend of MINE!

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