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    « Speaking of Magic 28....(A Contest) | Main | Help Needed »

    Friday, August 03, 2007


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    Well your button worked alright for me - so I'm guessing you got it fixed already. Either that or I just donated money to another red scarf project :)

    Dave Daniels

    Congratulations on getting this all put together.





    While I'm sure you wanted to make the first footprints in the snow, isn't it great that there's so much love for this project that someone beat you to it? <3


    This is great. Oddly, our provincial premier was talking on the news today about more scholarship money for kids in care. Of course he is electioneering but it is a very real need.


    This is just lovely and a big thank you
    norma for people who do not use or have cards or use pay pal
    they can send checks to ofa
    would it be helpful to post the adress please
    the page is a little hard to read on the right side
    thank you


    Good for you, Norma!

    Doug Sprei

    I didn't know I'd be learning so much about knitting and kindness when I took this job. :-) Way to go, Norma. . .And good point from Elizabeth above. OFA's address is: Orphan Foundation of America, 21351 Gentry Drive, Suite 130, Sterling VA 20166. Info and guidelines on the Red Scarf Project can be found at:, where you'll find links to the Red Scarf page.


    I have to say you are amazing Norma. You have started something that is really making a difference in these kids lives. I'm almost done with my scarf, another 15" to go.
    Will you be starting another flickr group/blog to post pictures on?? Also will there be a way to see how much us knitters raised for OFA?


    Great idea!! Will you be accepting other prize donations??


    Rock on. Also happy to send a prize.

    Lee Ann

    You are wicked cool, Norma.


    I had the same question as Trish....any need for other prizes?




    I went, I saw, I donated.


    Awesome! I have a prize to donate.




    I'm sure I could find a prize to donate too. Should we send them on to you or hold them to send on ourselves?


    No need for a prize. The prize is knowing that I've done something good for these students. My first scarf is almost finished and I've already picked out the pattern for the next one. Thanks to you for being so committed to this effort. God bless.


    Norma, I think you should run for office! What a cool idea!

    I don't think I'm gonna be able to knit any scarves this year because I have some deadline knitting and now that the RSP has changed it's timeline I might not make it -- but now I can still do something this year - YAY! :)

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