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    « Coffee Table Art | Main | Wherein Paula Wonders What In The World She's Got Herself Into »

    Saturday, June 23, 2007


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    This is pure (delicious!) torture...


    Oh, yummy! I know just what to do with the scapes that came with our CSA veggies now. Thanks, Norma!

    Marcia Cooke

    OMG...and I just baked bread (with King Arthur flour from Vermont) that I could have brought along! Too bad it's pizza night in Casa Cooke!


    I would, indeed, like to join you for dinner! However, I am way too far away!

    Enjoy... it sounds delicious.


    I'll be right over...YUM!

    Lee Ann

    I wish. But it looks like it's raid night for the boy and little person is sick and I'm stuck with takeout. Sigh.


    I would be there in a heart beat if I could! That all sounds delicious.


    I live on the wrong bloody coast. /pouts


    Stop, you almost make me want to pull some weeds for that delish dinner. Lucky Paula and you too.


    Yum, sounds fabulous....and all part of my Core diet (except for the biscuits!).


    Yum! Can I come too? (OTOH, my husband is reheating the incredible risotto he made yesterday with back bacon and fresh peas, so my life doesn't suck too badly...)


    Definitely sounds better than the bean dip and blue corn/sesame chips I just gulped for dinner.


    Sounds like a delicious dinner! Enjoy your company!!


    If only! I'd weed your WHOLE garden if I could come for dinner...sigh.


    I would LOVE to...and do all sorts of weeding! Sounds yummy, it does.


    On my way . . .

    Beth S.

    If I could just saunter on over, you bet I'd be there! I wanna try the garlic scapes. :-)

    Alas for state lines...


    Hell yeah! (But I'll pass on the venison.) Love beets. Love beets. Love beets.


    I'd love to. But I'm not walking that far. :)


    Sounds idyllic. Except for the pulling weeds part.


    It's not fair to make me drool on my keyboard; they cost money to replace.


    hi PAULA!!!
    Pass the beets!!


    Hah, the weeds don't stand a chance! What a wonderful thing to do. Enjoy!


    Never had a garlic scape but I'm a big fan of beets and the cook, what time is dinner? :)


    Don't i wish! Beets from your garden and freshly picked berries? Sigh.


    Yummmmm...guilty of deep food envy here!


    I am coming over next weekend :)


    Our neighbor's raspberries are just starting to ripen and a few branches have made their way onto our side of the fence. I spend a few minutes everyday getting all that I can reach. We only have a little (paved) patio and some front shrubs right now, but we are moving in a week and I can't wait to start a garden. You make my mouth water for fresh peas, tomatoes, berries, veggies, and make my eyes hungry for flowers. Minnesota is similar enough to Vermont, so I have been keeping track of all the tasty and pretty things you grow.


    Now exactly how far are you from the New Hampshire/Vermont line near Windsor??? I've never eaten venison...everyone says it is wonderful...but, I've not tried it. Your dinner sounds wonderful...



    I can't seem to grow beets. Or radishes for that matter. They both get full of little white wormy things. Blech.

    Dave Daniels

    Hell, if that's the spread you put out for plucking a few weeds, what's the treatment for redecorating that tired old dining room? Or rewallpapering the upstairs hallway?


    Yes, please! My mouth is definitely watering imagining all that. I'd gladly pull weeds. When I was a kid we would have to pick rocks for a dinner that good!


    Mmmm. Beets.


    i just read about garlic scapes, and i'll definitely be planting garlic next year!


    Norma, Norma, sounds SO incredibly delicious that I may have to come up and visit....yum!!!


    Oh my god. The weeds. The WEEDS. Paula is wonderful, and even cheaper than cheapsummerhelp.

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