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    Friday, May 25, 2007


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    It's good to "hear" your voice! Enjoy your weekend... and knit something, why dontcha??? ;0) Missed ya!


    Just a quick note to say Hi and that it is nice to read from you again :)
    Now go on and be exclusive Mum again ;)



    Glad to hear you're feeling more yourself again!


    And we you. Glad that you are feeling like yourself again. Have a marvelous weekend!


    Well. Isn't that special. All of it.
    Memorial day, can you dig it??


    It's wonderful to "see" you first thing in the morning again! I too haven't gotten the veggies in save a few lettuces. I'm saving that for later Sunday when the temps are a little cooler and kinder to new transplants esp seedlings. Knit something will ya? :-) And get your hands in the dirt and play a little in the veggie garden- it feeds the soul and sets ones world "right" again so to speak. Glad you're back!


    Hooray! It's Norma and she sounds like Norma. :-) Have a great weekend and it'll all get done, no worries.


    Thanks for the compliments on Audrey! I have a skein and a pinch left over - will sending you the elusive periwinkle inspire you? :) Email me if you want it hunny!


    PS - but for YOU this time! Knit something cute for Norma, k?


    I don't even care if you knit - I'm just glad to hear you're feeling better. I check for you each morning (I don't have Bloglines or any fancy feed - just old fashioned bookmarks) and it's nice to see you smiling. Or read you smiling. Whatever - you know what I mean.

    Now go check that asparagus - it's probably getting away from you!


    We'll still be here when you get back. Go have a great weekend with that baby of yours!


    Better than xmas morning! I'm so glad you got out to play, as for the knitting.. your hands will lead the way, never fear. If I lived closer I'd come over and help out with the garden, at least get it cleaned out and ready for you to just do all the fun stuff in it. Work? do what you must but I'm wishing you all sorts of time to make those good times with your girl, and her sweetie, and your's to a good weekend!


    Oh Norma! I love you too!

    Lee Ann

    Love you too, sweetpea. :-)

    Rachel H

    Hey, it's YOU! Nice to see you.

    I was gonna guess that your row counter was being used to count how many times you swore while doing whatever nasty work thing you have to do since it looks to be by your computer, but it's only up to 15, so that can't be it...


    *Big hugs!* Sqeee! It's Norma! Hi Norma. Hi! gosh it's good to see you again! You're looking good. I know you're busy. Have fun with that wonderful girl and take care of yourself this weekend.


    *Big hugs!* Sqeee! It's Norma! Hi Norma. Hi! gosh it's good to see you again! You're looking good. I know you're busy. Have fun with that wonderful girl and take care of yourself this weekend.


    ((((Norma)))) [My daughter tells me this is a cyber-hug.] It goes out to you, Norma. Thank you for your nearly daily missives on life, love, knitting, nutting, everything. I've come to feel a part of this knitting blog community and I treasure it. (Cue the misty eyes!!) But seriously, life it too short for anything but love, enjoyment, hard work, no work, only those things that feed our souls. Boy, this is becoming much too deep ;-) I really just wanted to say that reading your blog is one of the first things I do every day and I enjoy it each and every time.


    Tell Abigail and her boyfriend (each, aside, privately) that the other finds digging in the garden to be insanely sexy and then give them each a spade and a fork.


    Glad to "see" you back, Norma. Hope you're doing ok, and enjoy your long weekend of gardening and maybe even knitting!


    Can't the children weed for you? Isn't that one of the reasons people have children? And shouldn't this boyfriend be trying to impress you while he's visiting? Get young Vincent to supervise them. ;^)

    Enjoy the long weekend, sweetie. ♥


    We love you No-or-ma, oh yes we do-oo...
    We love you No-or-ma, we have no clu-ue.

    What you're using your counter for, I mean. The other part is true too.

    Gad, it's hot.


    P.S. I don't really mind typing in the verification string, but I do mind when I get a box with a little red x and am supposed to guess what the string is.

    Not that this is your fault. Just a little random crabby love coming your way.


    I'm glad you took some time off. It's always good for the soul. Enjoy your time with Abigail and the bf.


    Maybe Abigail and her bf would be kind enough to help you out in the garden. Hope you enjoy the weekend!


    Helloooooo Normapooooo!!! I love you too. :)

    You probably have an asparagus forest out there. Wish I did! I need to learn about planting some asparagus crowns. My garden. What a joke. I have spent not even ten seconds thinking or planning. Miss you. Hope you're well and can enjoy having Ab there. xoxoxox


    I'm in the same boat only worse. And at least you've managed to check in once in awhile.
    Love you, too


    The past tense of "sneak" is "snook".

    You're welcome.

    (and welcome back)


    Welcome back! Must be something in the air...

    Beth S.

    I have an idea--you click that row counter every time you say "fuck"! The pictured count of 15 would put you at mid-morning somewhere, right?


    Any chance you're going to Cummington? Hmmm?


    Well, you have to start small . . .

    It's good to hear from you again. And the weather? It's just insane. How'd it get so hot so fast?

    Have a great weekend....


    Wow, my head is spinning - you have far too much going on. Here's the cure: drop everything, take latest WIP, seat in comfortable place in garden - take a deep breath, and knit.


    Why did I read the end of the first paragraph as "for blog's sake, Pete about it"?


    I'm hoping that counter is being used to count something really fun. Like orgasms. (Yes, I know I'm evil.)


    Glad you're feeling better. Love you, too!


    If you figure out how to make the work stop, let me know.


    Love you too!!!

    I think you're using it to count ab crunches.


    don't feel bad. we just put out all our plants this past tuesday. all except the habaneros, which mark wants to plant out front so they get the heat of the day (they get hotter that way). i'm just concerned that jimi is going to eat both plants before we get them planted!


    BTW...I do so hate that you have a private joke and it's not with me.
    I am not the jealous type either.


    Ah, this is no time to knit! Vermont spring lasts what, 2 weeks? Since we've apparently been thrust from winter directly into summer, your first priority, after work and family, is the garden.

    Knit later.


    planting!!!! it's memorial day weekend in vermont! get your gardens out!

    i planted tomatoes yesterday and realized i threw out the old falling apart cages we had last year...and i have now tried to search for a post where you mentioned some tomato cages you really liked, but can't find it...can you refresh my memory? or am i halucinating?

    basil is going in today if i can beat the rain and thunder...


    And we love you right back.


    Stop whining about the heat. Up here in the Great White North it's only 13 degrees (Celcius) and I am just hankering after some nice reasonably warm weather...Can I come visit? I won't expect any entertainment, I will even weed you rgarden a bit.....

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