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    « Back In Action? | Main | Type II Camnesia »

    Wednesday, May 30, 2007


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    It was great to see everyone having fun and get a good laugh with them. I so miss you all...wish I could be there, too.


    You are so very fortunate to live in an area that has so many 'events'....
    Welcome back! ;^)


    Fiber Frolic, Windsor, Maine, June 9 and 10. Still small enough to be comfortable, big enough to indulge, better food than Cummington.


    I was sad to miss Cummington this year, too. And I had to remind everyone that last year DALE tapped the keg. Glad you're feeling "back" with all of us.


    Up and at 'em. Go gettum, Norma!


    Nice to *see you*

    Lee Ann

    I loved the "you were toasted. So were we" on Mamacate's blog. It made me a very happy lady :-)

    I wish the hell I could do the Maine Fiber Frolic, but it's a loooooong way away from here for just a daytrip. We're going to Rhinebeck, though...c'est promis!

    Lee Ann

    Oh, and p.s....

    I'm taking kid down to Vermont for the S&W there if I can get away. Just a day trip, but we really want to go. Will you be there?


    Good. Finally.


    So glad to see ya back! Thanks for the links that made ya smile, made my morning too!


    Welcome back!!! :-)


    Good because they need you to take the keg. *L*

    Beth S.

    Maine's a bit far for me, but maybe more manageable for you?...

    In any case, Rhinebeck or Bust!


    About damn time...


    I often get a laugh from the blogs I read too, and there's nothing better, especially if I'm feeling a bit down at the time. I haven't posted much lately, but I still try to find time to read.
    Glad you are back, as I've often enjoyed reading your posts.


    I'm very pleased to have been of good use! We were quite amused at ourselves also.


    Chris beat me to it: Fiber Frolic it is. I plan to be there, and so does Chris, apparently. (I originally wrote "I'll be there," but after my Cummington debacle I'd best not say that.


    New Mexico!


    See? Now if you'd been here, we would not have been calling tech support. Nor, I expect, would I have been heaving a 3/4 full keg back to the liquor store.

    Next year--no excuses!


    Dang, you just missed the Snake River Fiber Fair in Idaho....hee!

    Good to have you back, sunshine!

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