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    « Sweets For The Sweet | Main | 53,202 »

    Sunday, April 29, 2007


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    I saddens me to report that this post makes not one bit of sense to me. Ah, well, maybe it will some day. If only I were a Magic 28 person. . . .


    I know I can be 'a bit of a' dork when it comes to all these buttons and bells but I'm pretty sure I'm hooked up properly.....I've never been a ring participant, I'm sure a little education is in order.
    Sending you all sorts of flowers and love :^)


    Ahhhh. Onto a new phase of life....a bitter old NAG.
    You know I love you. I'm just saying that for the benefit of the readers who might be thinking "E GAD" or something...


    OK, O*K*, it's up. Sorry I'm slow. I am no longer the weakest link!


    I sent you flowers, damnit! Okay, you have to grow them, but still.

    Mine is up and running. I'm even getting hits off the ring. And I'll be posting tiny socks pair #1 in a little bit. /suckup

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