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    « Wherein Our Heroine Is Pulled, Kicking and Screaming, Back to The Old Way Of Life | Main | You Don't Send Me Flowers Anymore »

    Saturday, April 28, 2007


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    I have been craving sweets all day (thanks, hormones!), and this is NOT helping my resolve not to indulge....
    I do love me some maple sugar candy now and again, but apparently they do not have sugar maples here in CA. Who knew? I will have to ask my MA relatives for s fix!


    I think in Texas, there is a state statute that requires one to eat fried funnel cakes at any and every little "fest" there is. Just split on last weekend at the International Festival.


    Oh you're killing me. Maple is the favorite sweet of all the sweets, IMNSHO. There is nothing better than a maple candy.


    I love maple anything!


    Oooh, London Broil! I love it - haven't had it in so long. I think I'll make some this weekend - thanks for reminding me!


    Mmmmmmmm. I probably would've gotten a bit of each goodie and taken them home to nibble on for at least...a couple of days.


    I'm very glad to hear you are getting out of the house what with all the transcripts!

    Marianne--you are a model of restraint. I would have gotten a bit of each goodie and taken them home to nibble on for at least a couple of hours!


    Here in the midwest the mandatory festival food is deep-fried cheese curds. Mmmmmm. With beer.


    Now I had to turn down your kind and generous offer of maple syrup, not being much of a breakfast eater BUT nothing was mentioned about a plethora of maple desserts. Feel free to send any and all of those :)

    Have a great weekend Norma!


    MMMMMMMMMMaple and pecans, together! YUM! I lurve me some maple, and every time my workmate goes home to Canada to visit, I beg him to bring me some maple stuff back. And maple pecan pie? Wow -- there's no way on earth THAT could be bad.


    I'm so glad you got a break from all that slaving away. The village festival is next weekend and I already know there won't be anything half as yummy there. /sigh


    That sounds great to me. London broil, french fries, maple pecan pie ...... now I'm getting all hungry.


    Oh, yum. I bought my kids maple covered peanuts today at Connecticut S&W. The maple pie sounds great.

    Rachel H

    Maple is good. Very, Very good. Your post reminded me of the Maple cotton candy at Rhinebeck last year. Best Stuff Ever.


    All the maple stuff sounds so good! Maybe because I spent the day cleansing with teas, broths and lemon juice. I want that maple pecan pie recipe; I have a crust recipe with no wheat...


    So now my mouth is watering so hard I could drown. Maple cotton candy? Maple-pecan pie? Can you gain weight just be thinking about food? Picture me posed like Homer simpson with tongue hanging out of mouth, drooling, moaning, "Mmmmmm . . .maple!" Omigawd - I bet there are - dare I even say it? - Maple donuts!!


    Maple Cream pie? Oh wow, that sounds good!

    Kimberly from Some Bunny's Love

    Ahhh, maple, one of my favorite flavors. Putting that in with a pecan pie? That sounds (and I bet it was!) HEA-VUN-LEE.

    Beth S.

    Maple cream pie sounds SO GOOD! :-) And maple cheesecake doesn't sound half bad either. You're lucky to live near a festival like that. :-)

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