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    « Um, I Was In Error | Main | My Wonderful Reputation »

    Saturday, April 21, 2007


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    Marcia Cooke

    Yeah, that's pretty much the way we are feeling "down south" in Connecticut. I'm even happy to see the ajuga


    Thank heaven for spring, and for us.......thank heaven for rain, which we had a good deal of yesterday. Looking forward to much more over the coming months to replenish our much depleted water supply.


    This weather is a very welcome change! I'm just hoping it stays around for a while! I just saw the first crocus of the year in my yard about an hour ago! You're welcome for the head! Love the shades! Happy! Happy! Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!


    So, I gather you're enjoying today's weather???


    We're drinking it in here today, too, in Wisconsin!


    Wow, your Crocus are beautiful!! I'm so happy it's warming up for you, mmmmm, fresh spinach, the best.
    That Julie, what a sweetheart! (it's 80F here today)

    Rachel H

    You know, this may be the fewest words I've ever seen in a post of yours...


    Is that you in a bikini just outside the frame of the photo?


    Well. It really seems like you are getting aHEAD of things there. Spring rocks. It does.
    RachelH may have a point. She does.


    I spent two hours on the patio with my wheel yesterday and then went to Home Despot and bought seeds today...aaaahhhh Spring - finally!!


    i think that's the most exclamation points i've seen in a post this month that didn't involve cussing out "W". enjoy! we still haven't tilled yet (getting hubby off his fanny is tough this year!)


    Who hijacked Norma's blog and wrote about happy stuff? huh? Sunshine? Vermont? Oh. Maybe it's true. I read about it on another Vermonter's blog too. Hmph. Look what Sunshine does to Norma! hehe I should start calling you Norma Sunshine. :)


    Ditto to all of the above, only I don't have garlic or a styrofoam head. But you get the idea.


    We so deserve this now, don't you think? Great pictorial travelogue of what must have been a perfect day.


    Isn't it nice? I'm itching to get outside and do some gardening today, but I'll be up in Cummington at a planning meeting for MAS&W. Enjoy the day!


    Yay! Exclaimation marks! Or points! Hurrah!!!


    Yesterday was wonderful here, too and today promises to be the same. Hooray!


    Same beautiful weather down in upstate NY - it's gorgeous! Our crocuses are blooming too, the forsythia's getting close, and the snow last week didn't kill the daffodils!


    One of the wonderful things about blog buddies around the nation is that I get to prolong my favorite season! The first crocus! WoW!!! Wayyyy cool!! Come on spring!


    I am happy! Can you believe how nice it is?! Today too!


    I've never seen so few words in a seems mother nature and your fine friends have left you speechless!


    That's the nicest thing I saw all week! Just think of great that will look by June!:)


    i even did some planting! and my first dandelion popped up ;)


    Hmm... it's amazing how crocus like your crocuses are... *laughs* And now I really have no idea what the flowers are in my garden!


    Isn't it fantastic? I was SO ready for spring. And now it's spring. Yes yes yes spring. I feel like an overenthusiastic puppy.

    (OK, so that's redundant, but you know what I mean.)

    (I just hit Post and my verification letters were dswffs. I have no idea what dsw stands for... dratted software? don't spill water? darned sure wacky? Now I'm going to giggle all day.)


    It rained here Saturday. *L* I'm so glad it's warming up over there, sweetie.

    Btw, I just ate some garlic from the garden. Mine aren't pretty and tall, though. I keep mowing them down. /hides


    Ha, ha! Reminded me of an email my MIL sent recently comparing cats and dogs... dogs respond to everything with "XXX - my favorite thing!!"

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