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    « Sensory Thrills, Anger Control | Main | Serenity, Calvin Style »

    Wednesday, April 11, 2007


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    Oh. My. God! I had no idea about the underground life of LOL! {swoon, faint}

    (I tried while in a hotel with cable to get into Eddie Izzard without makeup, but I can't.)


    That WAS one of the very best blog post titles!
    Holy shit, more of the white stuff tomorrow? Actually, I DIDN'T know that about LOL....just goes to show you,eh?
    That's a very pretty scarf.


    You should have seen me at Town Meeting last night at Monday, knitting furiously away at a sock while the craziness and pedantry abounded. Call me Madame Defarge. (All's well that ends well, but was dicey for a while there.)

    Good job on clearing a project out of the WIP pile. I need to do more of that.


    Oh, cripes. Now we've got to worry about spreading love unknowingly around blog land? The pressure is getting too much.
    you choose which one I mean.


    Oh, and I have LOL for your scarf. You can figure out which is which, right?


    I saw that great blog post title last night. It was especially funny after seeing the photo of the fellow wearing a t-shirt with a related saying at the Yarn Harlot's blog....which was the first time I had seen those words referenced with knitting in mind.

    I'll add LOL to the list of things to watch out for along with "knock you up" when spoken by a Brit.


    I think the title of this post is pretty dern funny, too! Keep the's rad!


    I thought of a perfect solution to your problem, yesterday.
    Yup, I think threats would work really well.
    Well, a heart to heart followed by threats.

    & tell Cookie, at first I thought Irish Coffee was some new kind of yarn I had to try... Then it hit me, OH! that Irish Coffee.
    And one of those will be super good on Thursday afternoon, as I sit and watch my seedlings get leggy. (At this rate, I will have to put the lights on.)


    I tried hard to love the Riches, too. I watched about 10 minutes of a second episode last night before giving up. I love me some Eddie Izzard, but he is not being "Eddie Izzard" in that show. Bleah.

    Nice scarf, by the way.


    Ribbed for her pleasure? Climactic finishes? Lots of love? What kind of blog is this anyway?


    You know, I think I need more coffee! When I first read the blog title, I didn't get it; and to show everyone just how brain-dead I am, I didn't get it until I read Carole's comment. Sheesh! Yes, I rode the short bus to work today.

    That's a great scarf; I think you should keep it. At this rate, you WILL need it in July. I'm pretty sick of this damn weather.


    Cash Iroha? and Silk Garden? And you were going to give it away? It's boootiful, Norma! You keep it!

    Thanks for sharing the hilarious blog title. That'll keep me smiling all day! (does that make it ribbed for my amusement?)

    I didn't know about LOL in the romantic sense either.


    I'm liking the 2 yarn alternating scarf thing. I just finished my Chevron and I'm contemplating another, but this baby burp scarf is better, it uses thicker yarn!

    Lisa in Oregon

    My baby burp scarf is sitting exactly where I left it six weeks or so ago....half done. I think I've finally learned scarves bore the helloutta me. I'm especially annoyed as there isn't as much contrast as I think might be good in the colors I chose and with the l-o-n-g color repeat of the noro...well, I'm bored dammit. I'll make myself finish it...eventually. I think.


    I nearly died when I saw YarnHarlot's Denver post with the picture of the young man wearing the K2P2K2 ribbed for her pleasure t-shirt. So the post title did not get that big of a reaction from me... Sorry. But you do have me nervous about the whole LOL thing. So much that I did not type it behind died in my first sentence.


    Ohhhhhh! Maybe that's why my emails to some folks are met by silence! The will be No more LOL's in my emails.


    The ads for Eddie's show make me sad. I'm afraid to watch it and have my heart broken yet again.

    Lovely scarf, Norma. No matter where it ends up.

    /waves @ Pippi


    The scarf is great... I love the alternating colors!

    I'm dreading more of the white stuff, too... and just got word that they are expecting a second storm over the weekend. My daffodils might as well give up.


    I do like the scarf pattern and think it's pretty nice. that's cool that it grew to a nice length. I might keep it if I were you.


    LOL!! hehe I prefer the faceless photo of that shirt on Imbrium's blog, actually. Lets me imagine that it's being worn by a very buff hottie. Stephanie's picture really does just eliminate that entire fantasy. Gawd I hope that guy isn't reading your blog Norma. LOL! :)


    Nice scarfage! Keep it, you'll need it tomorrow. Damn spring snow. I remember a few years back a snowstorm on Mother's Day.


    i thought i was the only one having trouble with "the riches" because i just didn't love eddie enough. *relief*


    "you can lead a horse to water, but......sometimes he'll just take a whiz in the trough"

    Norma, you crack me up. I have a couple of people at work that could use a punch or two. Come on out here and get 'em for me, will ya?

    Joan in Reno

    Around these parts LOL can also mean Little Old Lady. That's how I refer to myself somethimes. I'm ROFLMAO? BTW the scarf is gorgeous.

    Joan in Reno

    And last year we got snowed upon on the Memorial Day weekend. Now that's disgusting.


    I laughed when I saw that blog post too.

    Glad work is fine for now. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it stays that way.

    Stephanie Cullison

    Thank god I'm not the only one that is so disappointed in The Riches. I love love love me that Eddie Izzard but the part just does not suit him. I can't stand his accent. Bleck. So I'm glad I'm not the only one :o)


    LOL backatcha!

    Lovely scarf.

    (last post) And I had the exact same thought when I ordered Blessed Juno soap for the first time - I'm actually still working on using up that first order and fantasizing about what to get next time...

    Lee Ann

    Your version of leading the horse to water is the best ever. So much so that I may put it on my bulletin board in my office. Or send it to my husband with an LOL attached. Of course, I'll have to translate "taking a whiz," but it might be worth the effort.

    Janice in Camas

    I was so excited when I found out Eddie Izzard was going to be on tv regularly, but skeptical because so much on tv is crap. Sure enough -- crap. Rats! what a disappointment. The horse/water thing is the best -- too bad there are so many times when that phrase is appropriate. Ah, well.

    Debi Leshin

    OMG I'm so glad you said it -- I adore Eddie but The Riches is about as interesting as watching paint dry -- what a dissapointment!! Gimme Cake or Death Eddie not this stiff "character".

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