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    « Two Little Peace Fleece Socks | Main | Sensory Thrills, Anger Control »

    Monday, April 09, 2007


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    I vote for a bigger box :-)


    Absolutely LOVED Casino Royale. Loved it. Daniel Craig is my new favorite Bond - behind Connery of course - but WAY ahead of the "pretty boys."

    Oh yeah. Nice socks.


    Loved Casino Royal, but I tend to think of James Bond like the Dread Pirate Roberts (in the Princess Bride), it's not about the person it's the name. After all 00s have a short life expectency.


    i don't know how someone could NOT know about dulaan yet! i brought some dulaan socks that i was working on to my grandma's knitting group when i was visiting her last weekend, and everyone wanted to know what baby i was knitting for... when i told them all about dulaan they were so excited! now i've got a whole buttload of old ladies in jersey itching to knit for little kids for charity, yay!


    About stripes in the round....
    If you do like I describe below, the changes are less obvious. Not as good as I would like too, but far better.

    When you change color, knit all stitches in the first round.
    When you start round 2, knit the first stitch in the stitch BELOW the first (thereby the first stitch on round 1 is knitted together with the first stitch on round -1). Then keep on knitting the other stitches as usual. On next color change you do the same. I hope you understand what I mean! If not, tell me and I will try to take photos!


    My stripes are always very obvious when knit in the round, too. I hate it! Love the socks; you've really been going to town on the sock knitting, haven't you :)


    Great Socks!!

    Hmmm kid socks are a great idea. I may have to look around for a pattern this week. :D


    I think you're going to need a bigger box. The socks are too cute! Excellent movie choices too;)


    Ditto on the Bond! Adorable socks. Great job!


    I stumbled across The Sting on tv just a few months ago. We watched the whole thing and really enjoyed it just as much as ever.


    Great socks! I do the one-row-below trick on the stripes, and it's not perfect, but it helps.

    I haven't done any Dulaan yet -- have two other charity projects on my plate and then I'll be knitting lots of little hats and/or socks and/or (could it be?) sweaters.


    You are so those socks!


    Love. The. Socks.


    I love those darling little socks. And as I've said about Dulaan before... Freezing children in Mongolia will not decline to wear your socks just because they've got a visible jog in the stripe. Hey, they'll match the vest that I'm sending! Too bad we can't safety pin a pair of your socks to my vest. heh Oh yeah, they also won't be digging around for socks to match the vest. Silly me. :)


    Bigger box...I know you. :-0

    mary lou

    Dulaaners can be reminded (I think it's on Ryan's list) of my free designed just for Dulaan top down no sew cardigan pattern for the kids at

    Make one when you are sick of socks!


    "Shaken or stirred?"

    "Do I look like I give a damn?"

    Best. Bond. Evah.


    Six thick socks knitted quick. Norma rocks!


    Love those socks! I'm all about the brown. It's so warm looking and lovely. Do you know about Meg Swansen's "Jogless jog"? It works really well to disguise the stripe ends.


    I feel just the same about Casino Royale -- I wasn't expecting much and came away quite pleased.

    Can you believe I've never seen The Sting? Next stop: My Netflix account...


    My folks had the Ian Fleming series - so I read them before the movies came out. Sounds as tho Casino Royale is what I need.

    Love the kid socks.


    Great, great socks! But, I have to take issue with the "Brosnan is better eye candy." That scene with Daniel Craig's abs, oh my!


    Well, I think your striping looks just dandy.


    Great socks... I think they are so adorable!


    I think I'm with Kathy on Daniel Craig being the better eye candy. My Mom takes issue with his "something-bilateral ears" but she's picky. Seriousy, Craig is by far the best Bond evah! (and yes, I even like him better than Connery - sue me :P )


    Great movies! And really cute socks. Looks like you had a really good weekend.


    those socks vaguely remind me of the socks used to make sock monkeys (don't run in fear! love the sock monkey!). very cute, th ough! i'm in the process of making socks for dulaan, as well as a sweater, and i'm contemplating the steppe sweater, or maybe an avalanche vest, since i have avalanche yarn, now. hmmm, what to do, what to do?


    Danny Craig winds my yarn every time.


    Casino Royale--love it! Lots of eye candy and I have to agree--the ending was unexpected. It definitely left the door open for a few more movies.


    Bigger box. You know you want to.

    They're still making Bond movies? o.0



    I too enjoy Mr. Craig. As we say, I wouldn't kick him out of bed for eatin' crackers.

    I did think Casino Royale was too long, they needed more editing at the end. That movie also provided me with a laugh out loud in public moment when a certain actress (I don't want to spoil anything for those not having seen the flick) was getting CPR - I thought Daniel would bust her implant for real. Damn!

    Should you want more Mr. Craig in your life, I greatly enjoyed him in Layer Cake, but be warned, it's very violent. Good flick though.


    Wonderful kiddo socks!

    We watched the new Bond this weekend too and were quite impressed. Funny thing - we have a friend named Daniel (see my blog entry about him and his dog, Max), who is in THAT kind of shape. Everytime Bond would go off running, I'd say "Gee, he's in Daniel shape". That opening sequence with the buildings is amazing!


    Sweet socks, very cute. Definitely bigger box. Never knit socks again, heh! /ducking and running


    Those socks are wonderful! I agree with you on the new Bond. I'd like to erase Roger Moore from my popculture memory.


    awww those socks are gorgeous! I love the stripes.


    Wow, 6 socks in 1 weekend. I'm impressed. Puts my paltry efforts to shame. I'd be lucky to knit 1 (or maybe 2 if I sat up all night).


    SUCH great socks. Shall I send you a bigger box??

    Lynn in Tucson

    Oooooh....DEFINITELY the best Bond to date. No question.

    Cute socks!


    Huh. I missed this.
    Huh. I never got into James Bond. Weird, huh?
    LOVING all over those socks, you sock knitter, you!

    Beth S.

    Complete agreement here. I thought Casino Royale was one of the better Bonds, possibly even the very best. And I can't wait to see Daniel Craig in the first Dark Materials film! He was the perfect choice for Lord Asriel. Perfect, perfect, perfect. (And Sam Elliott as Lee Scoresby... but I digress.)

    kelli ann

    chimin' in from up here ;-) in the last 3 weeks, i've rented both 'the sting' and 'casino royale' as well, and enjoyed all of the various hunks in 'em immensely. newman-redford-and-craig all have that something more, that extra oomph. some fine movie-making, all around. my next rental will be Gregory Peck in 'to kill a mockingbird': never seen the film. love the socks, btw- wish i could be so prolific!


    LOVED Casino Royale. While he wasn't as good-looking as Pierce (in my opinion), the man has about the best body of any Bond ever and ups Pierce on sexiness quotient.

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