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    « Because You Asked and Because It's Getting Cold and Because Franklin's Dulaan Potluck is Coming Up This Weekend | Main | How To Line A Hat With (micro)Fleece »

    Friday, November 03, 2006


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    I love that red yarn! I think it needs to be a scarf.


    It did not look like poo! Practice is good, though. At least it's fun, right? If it's not fun then don't do it.

    Dave Daniels

    It's so cool that you are such a driving force with The Red Scarf Project!


    I'm thinking of starting a play-with-myself-along, with one participant. I'm physically incapable of knitting along with anyone else.


    At least you try, grrlfriend. Spinning takes practice...that's the truth. If you'd stay off that computer and sit in the other room from time to time with the wheel you'd be fabulous! ;-)
    Great idea to dye red yarn! At least you have the dyeing part down on this KAL.


    Lately it would seem I could use one of those buttons. I'm really enjoying your dyeing adventures.


    I'll email 'em again.


    Great dye job!


    I was thinking about doing something similar. I freind sent me some corriedale that she had hand dyed red and I spun it up into a sort of light DK/ there isn't enough to make a scarf on its own but I have some blue Rowan scottish tweed left over from a projectthat I was thinking of using with it. The only problem is that I plied half of the red yarn with some glitter, do you think that might be a bit sparkly for them ?

    amy o'

    I like the poo yarn...


    What is the right place to send a message to with regards to Panera (yes, I am shamefully behind the curve on this one). Should we try to contact a local store manager or their national rep?


    I like the poo yarn, too..............


    I think I'm some stiff competition for world's worst alonger. I could knit nothing but lace shawls every day for 15 years straight and the instant I hit "join" I'd have a sudden and violent desire to never knit lace again. You see how I'm knitting red scarves? It's ONLY because I didn't officially say I would. What is wrong with me?


    i thought it looked lovely! and i'll need the panera link again, i'm sorry, lol. sounds like you've been having a good time!


    I am totally a non knitalonger, myself. I have joined one, and I instantly lost all drive to make that particular stole. Until the knitalong has wound down, that is.


    Dear Norma, I know what you mean:
    As is only too easily seen
    By my Trekking sock (one),
    My bitchin' mitts (none),
    I'll never be Knitalong Queen.

    You do realize, of course, that somewhere some yarn company is selling the identical twin of your rejected handspun for $30 per 50-gram ball. Since those are not my colors, I refrain from comment; red is my color, however, and you're making me want to get out my dye pot.


    I went on to the Panera website, and they have a link to "contact us", which takes you to a list of types of inquiries, etc. I clicked on one that had "donation" in the title. It's pretty easy.

    I pointed out to them I'd never heard of them until I read about the Red Scarf project on this blog, and would they reconsider being a's only because of the blog that I noticed the name as we whipped by the store at 60 mph, so they have Norma to thank for any bread that I buy. By the way, I'm pretty excited to know we have a wonderful bread store within 50 miles of where I live. I can make up endless excuses of why I have to drive that direction!


    You threw the freshly spun yarn INTO THE TRASH?! Sheesh, you coulda at least tossed it into the garden or hung on a tree for critters to line their winter nests with! (OK, not the rats who invaded your compost. Other creatures.) What kind of Vermonter are you anyway?! ;)


    Your dyed yarn is yummy! I even like the little white flecks in the blue.

    The only yarn I have ever dyed is a skein of laceweight dyed with easter egg came out looking like Easter bunny puke. Needless to say, I haven't spent any hard earned knitting time crafting it into a fabulous Easter bunny puke lace shawl. Maybe overdying will help....


    Hi Norma -
    Just wanted to let you know I heard back from Panera earlier this week - been swamped and didn't have a chance to let you know. I linked them to the Red Scarf Blog - if it happens it would be on Long Island - Huntington, NY. Nice dye jobs -----will keep you posted.


    So, what changed their minds, I wonder? Perhaps someone woke up and smelled all the coffee they weren't selling to knitters who wanted someplace to get together?

    Love the red yarns. Dare I ask if you've joined the Red Sweater KAL?


    Good for Panera's and even better for us! Go knitters!


    It may have been poo to you but it was autumn-colored poo. And I liked it.

    E-mail Panera? I'm on it.

    Elizabeth Spinner

    I also heard back from Panera, who wanted to know where I lived, so they could forward the request to the local area supervisor. Looks like they're considering it.

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